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To enjoy myself I walk to Starbucks, who doesn't like Starbucks? I make my way inside and get a simple caramel iced coffee. Seeing the seats outside, I make my way and sit with my computer.

While taking delicious bites of my food and working on my computer, someone sits in front of me.


I curiously close my laptop and see a friendly face.

"Heeeeey, Mr. Kim."

"Please, call me Namjoon."

"Namjoon, what are you doing here? Did you follow me?" I crossed my arms.

"Ha ha ha (SARCASTIC). No. Can't a grown male enjoy Starbucks without people saying he's weird?" he takes a sip of his coffee and I roll my eyes.

"What did you get anyway?" I ask.

"Just an iced mocha." He says leaning back.

"Ohh ok." He starts wiggling his eyebrows. I chuckle a little.

"Sooooo, tell me about yourself." He says.

"Uuuuh there's not much to talk about."

"I'm sure there's a lot of interesting things about you."

I rest my elbows on the table and give a smirk. "Oh really?"


"Like what?" I ask. He stops drinking his drink.

"First of all, you're a very pretty lady. Second of all, you are very intelligent. 3rd of all, your skin is smooth. 4th of all your good with kids. 5th of all-"

"Okay stop right there," I tried to say seriously but, I was smiling from the complements. "thanks for the compliments though.

"So, I'll just ask you questions." I nod at his statement. "Anyway, your divorced right?" He crosses his arms as I look at him in confusion.

"Yeaaah. How'd you know?" I give him 'your a creepy stalker look'.

"Well, you keep rubbing the bottom of your left-hand ring finger. I was in a similar situation so, I do it all the time. See, you're doing it now." I look at my ring finger. "If you don't mind me asking, why'd you break up?"

"Technically, he divorced me."

"Why? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But, I want to know." He says. I give a little chuckle.

"No, it's fine. I'm infertile." I say.


"I can't have kids."

"No, I understood."

"Then why did you say what?"

"So, like did you adopt or something?"

"No, didn't have time. After 1 and a half years of marriage, we decided it was time to have kids. So after a while, I wasn't getting pregnant and we went to obgyn (baby doctor). The said my eggs were all jacked up so, 99.9% of the time I wouldn't get pregnant. My formal husband got frustrated and started bad habits, like smoking. I remember once I came home late and there he was in another woman's arms. I kicked him out and before I could a file a divorce he did it before me. Sooo yeaaaahhh." I finish my speech with a long exhale.

"Wow." That's all he says.

"Yep...... Why'd you get divorced?" I asked.

"Well, I was never married." I lean forward in interest. "I met this Korean girl here in America when I was 18 and thought she was the one for me forever. I was so deep in love. At 19 we had an accidental kid which is Michael. When he turned 1 or so, her and I just didn't get along anymore. I was always wrong, she was always right When she would get mad she would break things and scream. But, I stayed with her because I loved her and thought things would work out. People told me it was an unhealthy relationship. I got concerned about Michael so, I broke it off. She told me she was seeing other people anyway so she didn't care. She also said she didn't care about me or Michael. Haven't seen her since. She follows me on facebook though." He sighs. "When you think about it I found Ms. Right, but I didn't know her first name was always." He finishes. It feels like I can trust him more now. I smile.



Hola Hola~

New chapter. You learn a little somethin somethin about them. At least they spend time together.

I don't know if you got it but, namjoon said he found ms. right but, didn't know her first name was Always.
Get it?

So her name will be Always Right...

Then when Makaylah said "same" as in she married Mr.right but, didn't know his name was never.

So his name would be Never Right.
Get it?



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