the underpants gnomes

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It was 3 am and everyone in the quiet little mountain town known as south park was asleep.
It was lightly snowing outside, covering the roads and such with even more snow. As if this town needs more damn snow.

A raven haired boy that is about 16 was sleeping in his bed, the covers where on the floor instead of covering the boys sleeping form.
On the bedside table his phone lit up and ringed a bunch of times. Those wasn't the noise of someone calling him it was a bunch of texts blowing up his phone.

After the 1st few rings from the boys phone his eyes open and he let out a low groan covering his head with one of the pillows to drown out the sound, though that wasn't much help. After a few more rings from the phone he finally sits up and picks up his phone, the bright light stung his eyes a bit.

He read the many texts from his boyfriend tweek, the texts continue to come every 10 seconds. He was to lazy to scroll up to read them all since there's like over 30 texts, he only had read the one he just texted him

"Craig the gnomes won't go away!"

Not again...

*a few moments ago*
*tweeks pov*

The blond hair boy was laying in his bed wide awake, he hardly slept really. Mostly cuz of all the coffee and the paranoia he has.
He just stares at the ceiling thinking of some random shit till his thoughts where interrupted by the sound of tiny feet pitter pattering on the floor.

Tweek twitched and instantly got up with a "agh!" Escaping his lips, he instantly covers his mouth with a twitch. He can't make a lot of noise, if his parents find out he's still awake at this time he won't have coffee for a long while! That's to much pressure!!!

There was a little stack of underpants gnomes trying to pull out a pair of underwear from the twitching boys drawer, the boy twitched and let out "oh Jesus!" And quickly grabbed his phone almost falling out of his bed and he is tangled up in the covers.

He can't call him! He will make to much noise!

With shaky hands he texted his boyfriend Craig tucker, by each passing moment he shakes more and more and he tightly grips his hair with one hand while Holding the phone with the other. He keeps texting till he finally got a reply.

"Tweek what happened now? I'm sleeping."

Tweek thought that Craig won't mind it anyways since this happened lots of times before.
He tried so hard to text back with his trembling hand and he accidentally pulled some of his hair out with the other.
The underpants gnomes continue to gather all the underpants that the twitchy boy has. he has not really done anything to stop them before, he only twitches and yell it's the same old same old.

"Craig the gnomes are here! They are taking my underwear! Oh Jesus!"

He managed to type out, auto correct making the spaces between each word for him.

Tweek twitched and waits for his boyfriend to reply to him.
There was no answer for a while.
Tweek started to think that he had fallen back asleep, looks like he's gonna have no underwear for a while...

"I'm coming over, unlock your window" he finally texted to tweek.

Yet with another yell and a twitch tweek quickly got up but instantly fell off the bed cuz of him being tangled in the covers.
He tried to get out of the tangled mess he got himself in as the underpants gnomes went to the last of remaining underwear.

He got up and ran to the window to unlock it, knocking over a few stacks of empty cups that is on the window sill. He kept mumbling to himself and grips a fist full of hair shaking violently, it wasn't very long till he sees Craig running to the tree that's outside tweeks house.

While Craig climbed up the tree to get inside tweek let out a small yell when the stack of gnomes starts to clime down the dresser to leave.
"Aagh! Jesus!!!" Tweek yelled when the window opened some snow came in the room when Craig climbs in and shut the window,He was covered in snow himself.

Craig sees the gnomes heading to the mouse whole in the wall with a lot of underwear in their possession. Craig stands in front of them and easily takes the underpants out of their grasp and threatened to stomp on them, they retreat to the hole in the wall and Craig covers it up with a chest full of God knows what.

That should keep them at bay for a while.

"Finally" Craig said in frustration,
He felt shaky arms wrap around him. "T-t-thanks..." Tweek said quietly and buried his face in his back as his grip slightly tightens still shaking and twitching.
Craig turns around and wraps his arms around tweeks shaking form "it's alright tweek, those little bastards are gone" Craig said, rubbing circles in his back.

Tweek stopped shaking but twitches every now and then, he seems more calmer.
Craig sees tweeks digital clock on his desk that reads 4 am,
They still had to go to school in the morning.

*Might as well sleep here for the rest of the night* Craig thought, he let's tweek go and just flops on tweeks bed. "C-craig! What are you d-doing?" Tweek said as he twitched "going back to sleep" Craig said closing his eyes, tweek walks over to drag Craig out of the bed so he can go home and sleep in his own damn bed.

But then Craig grabs tweeks hand and drags him down making the twitchy boy yell.
Craig wraps his arms around tweek in a comforting manner and rests his chin on his head, tweek twitched a bit "go to sleep tweek" Craig yawned cuddling his boyfriend and doses off.
Tweek wraps his arms around Craig and buries his face in his chest, he felt safer and calmer when he's in Craigs arms...
Tweek closes his eyes and fell asleep.

Tomorrow Craig has explaining to do to tweeks parents on how the hell he got in the house.

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