XIII. The audition

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Mai was on her way to meet David he sounded like he was worried and she didn’t think it was for nothing. When David and her were dating she always knew what was bothering him she could still read him like a book but this time it was different.

When she entered the cafe they were supposed to met in she noticed somebody with David at the table it was Russell the producer of Doctor Who and they were in a discusion.

“I know that already. It will be best if…” David stopped as he noticed her and got up to say hello to her

“David I thought we were meeting. Just the two of us, no offense to you Russell.” She said apologizing to the man on her left. Russel just smiled at her.

“There is something important that both of us have to tell you.” David explaind. Mai was still not folowing where this was going.

“Mai I’m leaving the show and so is Russell.” David said as Mai looked at him in shook she didn’t know that they were canceling the show. She thought that it had a good rating.

“They are canceling the show? I didn’t know that.” She said still surprised

“No, no no.” said David shaking his head “I’ leaving the show and will be replaced by another actor and Russll is handing the thing to Moffat.” explained David.

“It's true I’m leaving. Me and Susan are handing things to Mark and Steven.” Russell said

“Why? I mean I understand that David wants to move on and do something else but it thought you loved working for Doctor Who?” Mai said to Russell who gives her a week smile

“After four years as the head of the show I think it time for fresh blood to run it and who better then Steven. And the new Doctor comes in perfect timing.” He says

“Ok. If you say so. Has Steven picked the new Doctor yet?” she asked them.

“Not yet but he is holding auditions from next week. Why do you have somebody in mind?” David asked her and she give him a big smile.

“I think I have the man for the job.” She said as David and Russell looked to each other unknowingly.

They talked about what the guys were going to do when they left the show. David had some call from a tv series and a few movies and Russel was on a verge to do something to but he would not tell them. When they parted David give mai a drive to the studio Matt was working in.

“Thanks for the ride!” she exclaimed to him wwaving to him as he honked goodby to her. She ran in to the building to meet with the security guard Jeff who was siting at the desk on reception.

“Hey Jeff.” She said “Are they on the second flor” She asked

“Hello Miss Perroni. Yes they are still on the second flor” he told her as she started walking toward the elevator. When she got in she pressed number two. In a few seconds she was on the second flor.

She started walking the hallway to the last door she knew was the studio where they filmed. She slowly opened the door. Trying not to make a noise. They were in a middle of the scene.

“Does your music has to be that loud?” Matt asked the blond girl opposed him Mai couldn’t remember her name. “I can hear it through the earphones and your closed door.” The blond lifts her head

“Well why don’t you just close your door?” she says with an annoyed expresion “It would easier then coming here and interrupting me.” She almost yelled at him

“Well my room turns in to a sauna when I close the door.” Matt told her

“Just leave will you!” she said annoyed obviously by his presence

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