XXII. Dates, BAFTA and break up's

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Today was a gloomy day in New York the moment Mai got up it was raining. She hated it when it rained. She grew up in the country that pretty much every day was sunny and the rain was messing with her happy mood.

She heard a knock on her door.

“Come in! Its opened.” she yelled as Drew got in her apartment

“How do you do that?” he asks her

“Do what?” she asks confusion written all over her face

“You didn’t even ask who it was. What if it wasn’t me but a murderer or something?” His serious face makes her laugh

“I don’t think murderers knock on your door.” She tells him still laughing

“What if it was a nice murderer?” her laughter becomes stronger and lauder

“Well if they are nice why are they murdering people? How did we even get to this topic?” Mai asks him and he shrugs his shoulders

“What are you up to today?” Drew asks her

“I was thinking to get some lyrics done but my good mood was ruined as I looked out of the window. I don’t think I can write anything now.” She says as she looks at her best friend looking out of her window “What about you anything interesting?” she walks to the window with two cups of coffee handing the other one to Drew.

“Well a have and audition this afternoon but to tell you the truth it’s not some role.” He says as he turns around to look at her.

Rain is pounding at the windows as the loud thunder brings both Mai and Drew form their thoughts. They are seated down on the couch drinking there coffee and watching something on TV when they here loud banging on the door. Mai gets up leaving her cup of coffee on the coffee table.

“I’m coming don’t bite my head off.” She yells as she is coming to the door. As she opens it a soaked man is standing in front of her door.

“Oh, my God! Ben what are you doing here?” Mai said looking at Ben who was soaked to the bone.

“Man it’s raining cats and dogs out there.” He said as she let him in to her apartment and Drew looked at him. Mai had told him about Ben but he did not imagined meeting him like this

“I’ll get you a towel.” She said going it to her bathroom for a towel “Drew could you make tea for Ben!” yelled Mai from the bathroom and Drew got up.

He put some water in the pot putting it on the stove to get warm as Mai showed up with a towel and some clouts.

Ben looked at her

“Ex boyfriend pile it’s all I got.” She told him and he took it from her going in the bathroom to change. When he was all dried and changed taking his tea to warm up Mai pulled a question.

“So what are you doing in New York? Not that I mind having you here.” She said in her own unique way.

“I need a favor from you Mai.” He said looking at her with a serious face

“Ok. How can I help?” she asked him but what was coming her way was not something she had seen coming her way

“I need a date.” He said as Mai blinked at him like he was talking nonsense that she could not put together and then she started laughing at him but he was still serious. When she stopped laughing and looked at him

“Oh you were being serious.” She said “Why do you need a date for?” she asked him

“I’m nominated for a BAFTA and I can’t go alone this time” he told her. Now she was catching on to what he wanted her to do.

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