Chapter 2

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"Hey, are you awake? Are you?"

"I said-"

Wake up!

Machavelian sat up straight and found himself in the classroom. Class was over and only a few students remained in the room.

"Y'all right, Vel? I was trying to wake you up. You were kinda fidgeting in your sleep or something," a classmate looked worryingly at him. His name was Jan. Same department, and also an orphan - same as him. The only difference between them was that Jan Paraya had two more younger brothers he was raising.

"Yeah.. Thanks, JP." Vel sighed deeply before packing up his stuff and standing up to follow the other out. "Let's have lunch together. My treat."

"You shouldn't squander away your parents' money, Vel." Jan scolded him seriously.

"I'm not," the blonde denied. "I want to treat you. And I'm using my earnings from my part-time job. I can spend it however I want."

The white-haired man sighed exasperatingly but smiled in thanks. "Alright. I'll treat you next time. I can at least do that from time to time."

Vel smiled. Jan was one of the rare few to whom he could hang out with sincerely. "Deal." Besides, he could use a distraction right now. It's been a few days since that night he met Don Mercer. Since then, his nights had been disturbed my these weird dreams he couldn't remember. But the few words that would constantly ring in those dreams, was the same question. Are you awake?

And to think he'd been doing so well in avoiding Don and his ambiguous offer during the day. He managed to avoid thinking about him too. But it was different when he was asleep. He couldn't control anything in his sleep. And the words that came out of Don's mouth that night had been haunting him. He couldn't take more of this for much longer.

Jan and he got their lunch and sought out a table outside. It was warm and comfortable, just the right time to relax outdoors. "Hey, Jan... No, never mind." He dropped the idea and silently focused on eating.

"What? You can't just bail on me after getting me curious." Jan pouted at him before shoving a mouthful of his food in his mouth.

Vel winced. "You are so gross."

The other merely shrugged. "I'm hungry. You treated. And the food is good. I'm merely showing how much I appreciate its good taste. Now spill."

Vel leaned his elbows on the table, looking thoughtfully at his friend. "Nah, I was just thinking about inviting you and your brothers for a sleepover since tomorrow's a weekend. I thought it might be fun. Once in a while."

Jan looked surprised before smiling gently. His eyes softened and he had this faraway look on his face. For sure, he was thinking about his brothers. "Sure, why not. I'll tell Rabbie about it."

To this, Vel snorted. "You sure you and Jones aren't going out? It's like you're getting permission to spend the night with friends or something."

Jan flicked him on the forehead. "Rabble Jones is just my childhood friend and he does help us out."

"And you live together," Vel inserted cheekily.

"And we live together. I don't imagine your invite extends to him. So of course I'd have to let him know. It's called courtesy, Vel. You might wanna try it out sometime." He sent out a message on his holophone and then fully settled on devouring the rest of his lunch.

"If it tastes good, maybe I will," he laughed softly when he was ignored in favor of food. Today was good. It hadn't felt this good for the past few days. Thank goodness Jan was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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