1; Lovely Regrets

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As I was walking down the streets of Los Angeles, I admired the vast, blue sky and the people that made up the city. When I left my apartment on a coffee run, I looked through the alleyways and the bare walls. How I wish they would have color and a purpose.

With my hair in a small, messy bun and my hands marked with blues and blacks of my paints, my coffee in my right hand, and my brain sketching ideas, I finished my coffee and rushed home.

At home my hands reacted faster than I could. Barely feeling the coffee begin to take its effect, about 3 minutes later I finished a sketch of an idea to paint on the bare wall in the alley I passed by. It was utterly beautiful.

Mental Note:

-Big paint brushes, small paint brushes



-Spray Paint


-Grass seeds

I picked at this idea for a few days. Before I could remember, it was Wednesday. The idea was well drawn but it still looked too simple to be a grand gesture to the community. It was either now or never. I made a mug of coffee, grabbed black clothes, face paint, a backpack, and the supplies. I put the black face paint on and slipped on the black clothes.

I casually closed and locked my apartment door, then was on my way. I went down the same route as earlier and again casually walked into the alley. It's not like this is a drug dealing kind of thing right? I was having second thoughts about this grand gesture and a favor I was doing to the city.

"Screw my doubts!"

I may or may not have said that a bit too loudly. I shut my mouth and began working. It was roughly 2 a.m. already when I heard another spray can nearby. Turns out, another person had finished vandalizing the now graffiti-ed wall. I suppose what I was doing is also vandalism.

I grabbed my supplies and stuffed them into my bag. I took out my pepper spray and my knife from my hoodie pocket. I was ready to attack when the figure walked out of the dark.

He was a brown haired boy with vibrant blue eyes from what I saw from the dim street lights. He had a very nice jawline and his hair was kind of ruffled. He was a tall and, from what I saw, a very handsome stranger.

I stood in my position, knife and pepper spray ready. He walked past me and brushed against me.

 In those short seconds of passing by he whispered, "Nice job alley rat." 

Those words sent chills down my spine. I shuddered. Then, I looked back to catch only a glimpse of him before he began ran off into the night. Cliché right? Well, I'm Miss Sappy Sapping Sappington for those kind of moments.

Of course, moments aren't moments unless they don't last long. And that's exactly what happened. Luckily, my face was painted black. Therefore, I couldn't be easily identified. I may have started to overthink things a tad bit too much but I didn't get caught. YET.


I felt my color in my face fade away as I was being flashed with a flashlight to my figure. I grabbed my bag and sprinted home. I didn't look back. I didn't think twice. But how could I have not thought that I wasn't going to get caught. My head was in the clouds and once I was there, I couldn't and wouldn't come down.


I tripped over myself as soon as my foot hit the floor of my apartment. I shut the door and accidentally awakened my roommate. Ashley.

"Hey Ash, have a nice sleep?"

Ashley gave me this 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAKING NOISE AND RUNNING AROUND AT 3 A.M.' look. I gave an apologetic smile but giggled when I looked at her appearance.

"Oh so now, Laureline, I need to go back to sleep to get BEAUTY sleep to magically wake up more attractive tomorrow."

"K goodnight Ashley, love you too."

I smiled and began to slow my breathing as it had increased at the adrenaline of running and the adventure of outrunning another person. Not to mention the beautiful stranger that had mad artistic skills. At least the painting was finished.

The next morning, I woke up at 12 p.m. I realised, I have a job to maintain.


I quickly shot out of my bed and rushed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush the rat's nest that I call hair. I began to realise that I wasn't going to make it in time. So, I just gave up and started crying. Then, the cries turned to wails to sobs to irritated screams.

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FRICK UP!!! I set your clock to 2 hours ahead because karma is a bitch when you wake me up at 3 a.m."


I got up from the floor and flipped Ashley off for giving me a heart attack.

"Well maybe someone shouldn't be running around the city at 2-3 a.m. and making so much racket to people who have work in a couple of hours."

I walked into the kitchen and turned the TV on and coincidentally the news was on. The scene was of the wall that I had painted and where the stranger graffiti-ed it. The news reporter was explaining how someone had vandalised and, by that, trespassed the old ceramics building.

My mouth hung open as I watched the news story unravel. I sat there on a chair, shocked by the news. I realised deep, down inside that I had committed a crime. They were minor but they still were against the law.

Hopefully, the beautiful stranger also received the news of the vandalised building down the alley way.

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