Chapter one

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Taylor awoke to the sound of his dog barking his head off at a ridiculous time in the morning.
"Time to get up..." he said to himself. He sat up and stretched his arms. He then rubbed his eyes before heading to the bathroom. He showered, used the toilet and brushed his teeth. He ran his fingers through his black hair then messed it around. "That'll do." He says in satisfaction. He stares in the mirror and looks at his bright blue eyes. His mother said his eyes were beautiful but he didn't agree. He went back into his room to put on his uniform, which was just a white shirt, black trousers and a green blazer. Making sure he had everything, he grabbed his bag and went downstairs.

"You hungry Taylor?" His mum asks. She was cooking pancakes, Taylor's favourite.
"No thanks, I'll get something at school." Taylor says.
"But it's pancakes! You love pancakes!" She complains.
"Fine, just one." He says. He takes a pancake that was on a plate beside his mum, poured some syrup on it and stuffed it into his mouth. The taste of the pancakes ruined by the taste of toothpaste.
"Eat it nicely." His mum scolds him.
"I would but then I'd be late!" He says. He walks towards the door.
"Have a good day!" His mum calls before the door closes.

Taylor liked going to school early. It gave him time to study and escape the reality of life. As he walks through the gates, he noticed a specific blond. Marie. He felt his heart race at the sight of her. Marie was the school's heartthrob, even though she hated it. She looks his way then flicks some of her golden hair behind her shoulder and walks away with the only person she liked, Clara.
"Keep it together Taylor..." Taylor whispers to himself. He places his hand on his chest then heads to the library.

"So, Marie, anyone take your fancy?" Clara asks Marie as they make their way down the corridor.
"No, and they never will." Marie replies. Clara was her only friend but she could be really annoying at times, especially when it came to this....
"What about that boy at the gates?" Clara says, wiggling her eyebrows.
"What boy?" Marie asks.
"You know, the one with messy black hair." Clara says.
"Oh him....I looked his way, it doesn't mean anything." Marie says. "Besides, I'm not interested in dating anyone. We have more important stuff to worry about."
"Right...." Clara says in defeat, remembering what they were supposed to be doing.
'Just you wait for next time, Marie.....hehe....' she thought. Marie had a bad feeling in her stomach.

Hope you enjoy this new book! :) I don't know how often I'm updating this but hopefully regularly. Sorry if it's bad, I'm still getting used to writing in third person. Anyway, byieeeeeeee! :)

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