Chapter two

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The bell rang. It's loud ringing piercing everyone's ears. Taylor groans in annoyance, puts the book he was enjoying in his bag, stands up and walks to class. Students with no spacial awareness wall in front of him, increasing his annoyance. A loud group of boys creating a racket at the other end of corridor, causing everyone to groan and push just to get away from them. Taylor hated this time of day, why can't everyone walk in an orderly fashion? Maybe then people wouldn't be so worried about being late, not that anyone cared anyway....

After battling with the corridors, Taylor finally arrives at his class, Greek Mythology. He finds his seat at the back of the class. He throws his bag under his desk and leans back. He was always the first to lessons, despite the corridor vs Taylor battles, and he enjoyed it. It gave him time to get a good seat and disappear. If he arrived with everyone else me might not get his seat and everyone would look at him. Attention. Taylor mentally threw up at the thought. Sure, he would like one friend in his life, maybe even two, but everyone's eyes on him made him shiver.

His eyes darted to the door just as Marie walked through. His heart beat fast at the sight of her. He also doesn't like this feeling for her, because he knows he'll just get hurt at the end of the day. Him and her were not like the romance novels he reads. She was perfect, popular, despite her wishes, and pretty, a girl like her would never know he existed, let alone reciprocate any feelings. But now that he thinks about it, it is like a romance novel....only his character doesn't get the girl. She made her way to her seat, in front of his I might add, and sat down. She crossed her legs and looked excitedly at the board. Taylor had noticed that this lesson was her favourite, and seeing her happy made him happy. Of course, realising this made him mentally slap himself. 'Love doesn't exist' he reminds himself 'it's a figure of the imagination to keep us from feeling lonely'. Many people would disagree, but watching his mum get heartbroken by his dad and many others proved this for him. Maybe that's why he felt something for Marie...because he was lonely. Maybe his mind had convinced itself that she could fill the void in his heart. But this void seemed endless...and unfillable....

At last, the teacher, Mr Mathews (first name that came to mind, don't judge) walks in. Several other students follow, including Clara, who excitedly makes her way next to Marie. Despite finding her annoying sometimes, Marie wouldn't replace Clara for anyone. They were unusually close. Then again, they did move to the school on the same day about a year ago.
"Hey Mar!" Clara exclaims happily as she sits down.
"Hi." Marie replies, her excited expression from earlier replaced by one of boredom.
"Any luck?" Clara asks.
"Not yet." Marie replies. "But we'll find him soon."
"Yay!" Clara giggles. Marie sighs at her friends behaviour, but this causes Clara to giggle more uncontrollably.
"Clara, do you need a minute outside?" Mr Mathews asks, raising an eyebrow at Clara, who right now looked like she was drunk.
"No...sir....I'll be fine." Clara says, breathing heavily in an attempt to control herself.
"Ok then...." Mr Mathews says. He shakes his head before starting the lesson. "So today class-"

And this is where Taylor zoned out. Well, it wasn't exactly zoned out. His mind was still responding to the lesson and taking everything in but he himself was in another universe. He enjoyed it like this. He knew a lot of people complained when they had a double lesson, like today's Greek Mythology, but Taylor would just mini-zone out and it would be over in a blur. During this, however, he couldn't stop thinking back to Marie and Clara's conversation. It seemed odd to him...and important. Before he knew it, the bell signalling for break rung, waking him from his daze.
"Don't forget to do your homework!" Mr Mathews calls as students leave. Startled, Taylor looks at his desk and sees the sheet. He quickly places it in the folder in his bag, slings it over his shoulder and walks out.

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