Chapter three

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"A-Are you sure!?" Marie exclaims. Clara excitedly nods her head. Marie takes a deep breath and forces herself to think rationally. If she didn't, well...bad things would happen. "Ok, we need to be on high alert."
"Yes ma'am!" Clara says in a childish voice.
"Who was it?" Marie asks, ignoring her friend's behaviour.
"Taylor." Clara responds. Marie looks at her to finish her sentence. "What?"
"There are loads of Taylors in this school!" Marie exclaims. "How am I supposed to know which one it is!?"
"I'm sure it'll be fine." Clara says. "I'll point him out to you when we next see him." Marie glares at Clara.
"Why not now?" Marie asks.
"Because he's studying!" Clara says in a loud whisper, as if somehow says it loudly would interrupt him. "Besides, I offered him to sit with us but he declined." Marie puts a hand on her forehead and shakes her head.
"Just...keep a lookout for them." Marie says. "Come on, let's make our way to next lesson. Hopefully this Taylor is in our English." Marie stands up, slings her bag over her shoulder and leads the way. Clara hurriedly runs to catch up, wondering why they're going to English so early. Break had only lasted ten minutes! They still had twenty minutes to escape the responsibilities of school. And besides, they were in different English classrooms!

Meanwhile Taylor had finished the book he was reading and taking a walk around the school grounds. A nice, quiet garden resided to the side of the building. It was peaceful here. And it allowed Taylor to relax. He stretched his arms upwards and walked around. His eyes caught movement in one of the large bushes. He stared at it, but when it didn't move, he shrugged his shoulders and continued his stretch. Then the bush moved again.
'Maybe a squirrel...." Taylor wonders to himself. Curiosity taking over him, Taylor moved closer to the bush. Nothing. Taylor shrugs his shoulders once more and turns around. Then he's pinned to the floor.

Sensing something was wrong, Marie looks up at the clouds. She stops dead in her tracks, allowing Clara to bump right into her.
"Something's wrong." Marie says. Clara comes out from behind her.
"Yeah! You have a hard skull! That's what's wrong!" She says as she rubs her nose. Marie shakes her head.
"No...." she says. Clara, finally understanding, looks at Marie with concern. "They've found him." And with that they run. Following their instincts, they head to the garden to the side of the school.

Taylor wasn't really sure what happened. He turned to walk away and then he was on the floor. Another nosebleed pouring out of his nose. Assuming it's Justin getting his revenge, he stays on the floor, thinking it'd be best. But Justin is playing football at break...something digs into his back and he cries out in pain. The last thing he sees before blacking out are two pairs of feet running towards him.

"HYAH!" Clara yells as she kicks the beast off of Taylor. (Beast is the media). Marie quickly pulls her bag off of her shoulder and gets her whip out. It was red with a heart at the end. She twirls it around her as she walks towards the cerberus. Clara runs to Marie's bag and pulls out some ointment. She then runs over to Taylor and starts treating his wound.
"You've been a bad dog." Marie says in a threatening tone. She flicks her hand and the whip shoots forward. As if it had a mind of its own, it wraps around one of the beast's head and begins tightening. With a flick downwards, the beast is on the floor. The snake tries to chew the whip off with its fangs while the other two heads growl angrily. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this..."

"Taylor!" Clara says, smacking his face. "Wake!" Smack. "Up!" Smack. When Taylor still doesn't move, Clara starts panicking. "Come on Taylor....we need you...." she runs more of the ointment onto his back.
"Clara! Take him to the nurse!" Marie calls. "I'll be with you in a minute!"
"O-Ok!" Clara says. She picks Taylor's arm up and starts dragging him away. Not the most efficient but Clara didn't have time to run, of a better solution.

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