Buttontale Part 1 (The adventure)

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In a car*

"Are we there yet?"Sans said getting bored "were almost there please just wait"Papyrus replied to sans. Sans waited patiently and the said again "are we there yet?" Papyrus and Gaster got annoyed and just ignored Sans... Sans was quiet the whole way there after that surprisingly, when they were at the apartment Papyrus said "Were here!" Sans was excited and immediately explored the apartment while Sans was exploring the apartment Gaster went to his room and worked and Papyrus went to the living room and was going to his lazy blog. Sans finished exploring the apartment and went to Gaster and said "GAAASSTEEER IM BOOOOOORREEEEDD".

Gaster said to Sans trying not to sound annoyed "i heard theres a secret well nearby you should go try and find it" "ooh a secret well" Sans replied. Sans was about to get out of the room "ok im going to find the well ba-" but... he doesnt know where to look so Sans asked Gaster "uh.. where can i find the well". "I dont know ask Papyrus" Gaster responds "Papyrus? are you sure? that lazy bones might not even heard of it." Sans replied confused "eh why not try maybe he does know it" Gaster responded "ok then i guess" Sans replied and went to Papyrus "hey Papyrus do you know of any secret well close by?" Sans asked "hm? oh heya bro i think ive heard of it they said its in the woods, why you ask?" Papyrus responded "im going to try and find it mweheheh" Sans responded "oh ok then just dont get lost ok bro?" Papyrus said to Sans "pfft dont worry im not gonna get lost, anyway im gonna find it see ya Paps" Sans said confidently "see ya bro" Papyrus said to Sans

Sans went outside and to the woods he was going down a hill suddenly rocks fell infront of him Sans looked up and shouted "Hello?, someone there?" Sans threw the rock back and heard a hiss Sans was startled and ran down the hill and followed a path Sans ran into a foggy place and he was tired so he stopped while he was resting he heard footsteps behind him Sans was scared but he turned around to see who it was. Sans saw a goat in a green and yellow striped sweater "Howdy, the names Asriel" Asriel said while giving a nice smile to Sans "hi and my names Sans" Sans replied "hey do you know an old well around here?" Sans asked "uh. your on top of it, you almost fell" Asriel replied Sans looked down and saw a circle trapdoor the thought of falling frightened Sans and he stepped away "Ah!" Sans shouted while stepping away "why didnt you tell me!" Sans said angrily "heh sorry didnt notice until you said it" Asriel responded Asriel and Sans opened the trapdoor they both squatted down and looked inside, inside was a bottomless looking hole "woah" Sans said and echoed inside the well "heh yeah they say this is bottomless" Asriel said "wooaah cool!" Sans replied they stood up and heard something coming they looked the way Sans went and they saw a yellow flower with a face "oh hey there little buddy" Asriel said walking to the flower "huh i think thats the flower that scared me earlier" Sans said "oh well anyway meet my buddy he doesnt talk and i named it Flowey" Asriel replied in the distance they heard shouting "Asriel!"the voice said "oh i guess thats my mom well gotta go see ya Sans" Asriel said while running the way where the voice can be heard "see ya" Sans said waving his hand to Asriel Sans took a piece of dirt and dropped it in the hole of the trapdoor he puts his head close to the trapdoor to listen closely he heard a drop suddenly it rained

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