Chapter 7 The Kiss

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Rapunzel's POV

"Where did she go?," Jack said pacing around the room.

"I just don't understand why she wouldn't tell us," I sighed, looking down at my feet.

"Maybe we should just let her go, she was only keeping us away from defeating Pitch," Merida spoke up.

"Now now Merida, if man in moon chose her as a guardian that must make her very special indeed," North reasoned.

"Well manny revived Pitch," Tooth pointed out.

She was right.

"I guess some things aren't meant to be known," North sighed. Suddenly one of his yetis came in.

"What is it now Phil," North scowled.

"Big snow snow storm," Phil said gasping for air.

"That's weird," Jack said going at the porch. We all followed him. Phil was right, it was a huge blizzard.

"This isn't just any blizzard," Jack pointed "this is Elsa."

Elsa's POV

Me and Phoenix talked all day in my ice castle.

"Wait so how is it that we have powers?," I aksed. She seemed to have more knowledge about it than me.

"The man in moon sent down two drops along with the sun's gift. The first gift was ice, for fun and games and the other was fire. The symbol of heath, hope and distruction," she explained "the sun put a small fraction of her gift in the ice and fire, healing. Our mother was ill during her pregnancy so they brought her the two gifts. They put it in her tea and she drank it. The ice and fire seperated into our blood and genes."

"That explains a lot actually," I admitted. My mind suddenly filled with the horrifying images of me hurting Anna and freezing Arrendele. I quickly got up and walked away from Phoenix.

"Huh, where are you going?," she asked.

"No, stay away from me," I backed away slowly. Ice escaped, forming an ice berg behind her.

Phoenix tripped backwards and fell on the ice. She suddenly went on fire and the ice melted into water.

"No!" I screamed as she was about to fall into water. She splashed and fainted. Her skin got pale and her hair got lighter.

"Phoenix!," I screamed.

Pitch came in behind her lying body.

He laughed, "I'll be taking this," and he disappeared. Hours passed and I kept pacing around the room. Conceal don't feel conceal don't feel I repeated to myself.

I heard some familiar voices behind me. The Big Six. Well now it's five. I heard their footsteps heading up the stairs.

"Elsa?" I heard Anna from behind.

"Elsa thank God you're here!," she exclaimed thankfully.

"No, no that's not a good thing," I said worriedly, backing away "You should go back home."

"Why Elsa?," We all know! We understand," she tried to convince.

"No Anna you don't understand," I said coldly. I turned around and walked towards the balcony.

"Yes we do!," she insisted "we're here for you!"

I stopped walking and turned around.

"No Anna, you don't, nobody does!," I argued "I come back home and everyone was scared of me, months passed and they're still scared of me,"

"You have to give it time," she tried to say.

"No, they'll never understand, you'll never understand, that's exactly what you don't understand! You just don't understand that you don't understand," I yelled.

Anna got angry and argued back.

"Elsa, how can you be so selfish," she started "All you care about is yourself, you never ask people about them as a person, whenever someone tries to talk to you all you talk about is how you 'can't keep it in'," she yelled.

"People have their own problems too!," she finally finished.

"Oh," I blurted and turned away "I guess I just never noticed."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," Anna tried to apologize.

"No, your right," I agreed.

"Listen," I said, "I think it's best if you go,"

"Elsa, you started that blizzard out there and you know it," Hiccup reasoned.

"Blizzard?," I asked.

"Yes the one spreading over the whole nation," Rapunzel said like it was so obvious.

"No, I don't believe you, that's impossible," I denied "the blizzard I caused was not nearly strong enough to take over all the nation, it was only big enough to keep people out."

"Well you better believe it because it's huge, people are actually freezing to death!," Merida exclaimed.

"Death?," I panicked. I could feel the snow fall down on me.

"Look, just stop the blizzard and we'll leave you alone, just like you want it," Hiccup offered.

"But don't you see?," I asked looking back "I can't."

They looked stunned. This was worse than I thought. I walked down the stairs quickly to the ground floor.

"What do you mean you can't," Merida stressed behind me.

"I can't control them anymore," I cried out.

"Oh," Merida blurted out, disapointedly.

"Then I guess we should go," Rapunzel ssaid sadly and they all headed out the door.

Jack stopped and turned back at me.

"Your not a monster," he said "please just come back."

My mind was full and I couldn't think straight and the next thing I knew, I kissed him. He looked stunned.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, feeling my cheeks going red.

"I love you," he said. Now I was burning hot.

"Me too," I replied.

"I think you should go," I said. He nodded and left.

I didn't want him to go but I also didn't want to hurt him.

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