You transfer to a new school, only hoping for a few new friends. But you get much more than just a couple buddies. Without meaning to, you've caught the attention of the school playboy, Taehyung, and the sweet, smart, boy next door, Hoseok. You're...
At 6 o'clock, you began to prepare for...what was this? Was it a date? Just hanging out? Although it probably wasn't a date, the way he asked you...your cheeks begin to burn at the memory of Taehyung's body so close to yours.
No, you guys barely knew each other. How could you already be going out on a date? This was just a gathering of two friends...right? You put on your outfit and were just getting started on makeup when your phone ringed. When you picked it up, you saw that Ji-su had texted you.
Ji-su: Are you getting ready? What are you wearing? It better not be too slutty ;) Send me a pic!!!
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You: Haha don't worry, this isn't even a real date. We're probably just going to hang out :/
Ji-su: yeah..hang out in eachother's pants XD
You: WHAT? No way...I won't let him get that far
Ji-su: that's mah girl
The door chimed and I quickly texted Ji-su.
You: He's here! to you later!
Ji-su: Have fun! Be careful! and don't let him hurt you...
You: Thanks! And don't worry, I won't :)
You head downstairs and pass by your mom sitting at the dining table. She says, "Y/N! Wait! Where are you going?" You reply, "I'm going to hang out with a friend I made at school today!". "Okay don't stay out too late, and bring your keys! I have to work the night shift tonight so I probably won't be home when you get back" she says. "Ok, bye then, I love you!" I call out. You open the door and are faced with Taehyung, dressed in a suit and tie, holding an obnoxiously large bouquet of flowers.
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You stand there in shock at how mature he looks, contrary to his punk style during school today.
You blush and look down at your own outfit. Bashfully, you say, "Aish...I feel so under dressed. Where are we going? I can change if you want." He shakes his head. "You look beautiful already" he says with that same crooked smile. Your heart flutters but you try not to show it. Silence lingers in the air for a few moments. "Shall we go?" you ask. He blinks, as if being snapped out of a dream, and his eyes meet yours. Those damn beautiful eyes. "Of course" he says.