You're Sick

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One week later:

Struggling to balance the breakfast tray in one hand and ring the doorbell in the other, you curse under your breath, wondering why you had such god awful coordination. Finally, you give up and decide to set the tray on the ground and ring the doorbell. You hear a muffled melody ring out from inside the house and you quickly pick up the tray. The door creaks open.

Hoseok sees you standing in the doorway and a smile instantly creeps on his face. You hold out the tray to him and bow slightly, "Hi, Hoseok. BTS told me that you're sick, so I thought I'd bring you over some food," you say shyly. He looks down at the tray, cluttered with a bowl of seaweed soup, tea, and crackers. He smiles even wider, and you're sure his face is going to fall off from smiling so widely. "Thank you, Y/N. You really didn't have to, but please, come in" he says hoarsely.

He takes you up to his bedroom and you notice that the layout of his house is nearly identical to yours, which makes sense, considering you live right next to each other. The first thing you see when you walk into his bedroom is a sea of crumpled, white tissues. Hoseok looks at you sheepishly and whispers, "I'll clean up my room really quick, you can just wait up here if you want." You nod, and after a couple minutes, he opens his bedroom door and you step inside. It's a minimalist room, with a small desk and chair, dresser, nightstand, and bed occupying most of the space in his relatively small room. The walls are painted a baby blue color and your toes curl on the soft carpet underneath your feet.

Hoseok motions for you to sit on the bed next to him and you take a seat. You run your hand through his unusually messy hair, and, as if reading your mind, he chuckles, "I haven't gotten out of bed in  a few days, so I'm a real mess." "It's ok, you still look cute" you freeze at the words that just came out of your mouth. You look away, hoping to hide your blush, but Hoseok just laughs.

Suddenly, his face turns ashen and he holds his head and grimaces. "I'll go get you some aspirin" you say quickly and dash out of the room. You return home and get the bottle of aspirin out from your medicine cabinet. Your eyes catch another bottle of pills, and you realize it's the ones your mother makes you take when your sick and you immediately feel better the next day. You wonder if he's been taking his medicine, so you take the bottle with you anyway.

When you enter Hoseok's house, at first you hear silence, so you call out, "Hoseok? Where are you? Are you ok?". There's no response so you go upstairs and open his bedroom door. You gasp when you see Hoseok laying on the floor motionless. You fling your body on his and shake him vigorously, screaming, "Hoseok! Hoseok! Can you hear me?". When only the dead silence of the house responds after several times, hot, painful tears begin to slice down your cheeks. Your heart begins to ache a familiar pain, and you go into panic mode, screaming and sobbing at an unresponsive Hoseok for what feels like an eternity. Finally, you come to your senses and quickly pull out your phone and dial 911. "Hello?" a woman says. "Yes, hi, can you please help me? My friend was sick for the past few days and he suddenly collapsed" you say in a shaky voice. "Sure, just tell me your address and the paramedics will be on their way." You tell her his address and sigh. All there is left to do is to take care of Hoseok. You lay him flat on his back and feel his forehead with the back of your hand. Your hand jerks back impulsively. It was like touching hot coals; his forehead was burning at a dangerously high temperature. You run to the bathroom and grab a cloth, soaking it with cold tap water. You rest it on Hoseok's fore head and sit there starting to cry once again, feeling useless at your pathetic attempt to cool him down.

After sitting there for what seems like hours, you take a good look at Hoseok's face. Although a sickly color, his skin is still smooth as a baby's and his lips look just as smooth and soft. You lean over and slowly, carefully, you kiss his unnaturally hot cheek, the tears falling from your eyes landing lightly on Hoseok's skin. Finally, the door opens and you hear a man yell out, "Hello? It's the paramedics, we're here to help."


Everything is a blur and you can only remember small fragments of the morning before. Hoseok being lifted onto the gurney, the blinding bright red and white lights flashing in the distance, crying yourself to sleep that night...hoping, no, praying...that Hoseok would be okay.

You drive down to the hospital and run as fast as you can to the front desk. Out of breath, you pant, "Can I see Jung Hoseok? I think he was admitted here yesterday morning." The lady takes a few moments and stares at the computer screen blankly. Finally, she says, "Ah yes, Jung Hoseok is in room 310. You have 30 minutes." You nod and wander around the hospital frantically searching for the metal plate that has 310 engraved in it. Finally, you find it.

You open the door and see Hoseok, sitting in the hospital bed reading a class textbook. He looks over and smiles at you, "Y/N...". He starts but then stops, seeing your expression. Tears from last morning begin to surface once again, and you run over to him and hug him tightly. He doesn't move, surprised at your sudden gesture. After a few moments, he pats your head and says, "Y/'s ok. I'm ok now. It was just a bad fever." You look at him, your face coated with tears, "JUST A FEVER?! I WAS SO SCARED! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" you shout at him. He smiles and says, "I won't, I promise. I'm sorry." You stay there, buried in his chest, until finally your face is dry enough to come out. You take a good look at him and see that his face color has returned to normal and his energy seems to be regained. You sigh a breath of relief and kiss his forehead and give him one last hug. "Do the other boys know that this happened?" you ask. He shakes his head. "Only you...and thank you for taking care of me" he smiles and your heart beats faster at his kind smile. "No...I can't like Hoseok, I'm dating Taehyung" you scold yourself. "I'm going to go see Taehyung. I'l tell him and the other boys what happened and that you're okay" you tell Hoseok. He nods his head and the two of you say goodbye, you promising to come by tomorrow.

You arrive at Taehyung's house and knock on the door. No answer. Of course. You twist the doorknob, and thankfully it gives. You step into his house and surprisingly, it's empty. Or so you thought.

You hear laughs (that's right-laughs) coming from upstairs and one of them makes your heart drop. A girl's high-pitched giggle and playful voice says, "Taehyung-ah, stop it....".

Oh hell no.

You march upstairs and pinpoint the room that the manwhore and his side chick are laughing in and you slam open the door to see exactly what you envisioned.

Taehyung, shirtless, on top of a half-naked girl-the same who you caught him asking out the day after he asked you. He turns around and when he sees you standing in the doorway with a pained smirk on your face, his eyes widen and he gets off of the girl. "Y/N...I can explain...." he says slowly, as if he's talking to an injured puppy.

You scoff. "No need. I have eyes. I know a cheater when I see one. It's too bad I didn't realize that about you earlier though....I could've saved so much gas from driving here just to see you and some bitch giggling your fucking dumbasses off."

Before either one of them can react turn around and storm down the stairs hearing loud footsteps echo behind you. You stop and look forward, knowing exactly who you'll see if you turn around, but the seething anger coursing through your veins tells you not to, or else you're going to lose it. "Y/N please wait, I'm sorry" Taehyung pleads. Screw self-control. You turn around, walk up the few steps between the two of you, and slap him with all of the force you can muster. A sharp crack echos through the house and his hand holds his cheek. Then he just crookedly smiles and admits, "Ok, I deserved that. But please, don't leave. What I did was stupid and I'm sorry." You just chuckle and stare at him. "You're fucking sick, you know that? Is one girl really not enough for you? You promised me you wouldn't fool around but the second I turn around you've already got your dick stuck up some girls butt" you spit at him. "Oh, and by the way, Hoseok passed out yesterday from a fever and I had to call an ambulance to get him to the hospital. He's ok now, though." Taehyung's face softens and he says in a small, sad voice, "oh."

For a second you feel bad for treating him so harshly, but then the girl comes out and asks, "Oppa? Does this mean we're not going to the movies tomorrow?" and the same blast of anger shoots through you once more and you glare at him. His eyes widen and tears begin to flood your eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but you turn around and run out as fast as you can, hoping Taehyung won't try and follow you.

And the worst part is, he doesn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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