chapter 2 - the fight of my life

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A/N hey thanks for reading i hope you like it so far

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best wished becka


I stood there frozen , I had no clue what to do, my eyes were wide with fear I could hear Hailey whimpers and she was shaking, I took a slight step back and He growled and flattened his ear I knew right then and there he was an alpha and a huge alpha at that.

My instincts were yelling at me don’t back down stay strong but I knew I couldn’t just stand there and wait for him to attack. I dropped Hailey on the ground with a thud and stood over her. He was not going to hurt my sister at whatever cost she is mine to protect.

Hailey let out a little oomph when she hit the ground and the big wolf growled at her. But the thing that surprised me the most was she let out a clear and loud defensive growl… my eyes went wide I didn’t think she had it in her to be that brave.

But when he gave her a growl back she yelped and closed her eyes, I wanted to roll my eyes and say why growl at him if you’re not going to back it up. So I did the only thing I could do, I would take him on i felt my throat rumble as I let out my warning growl ,the big black wolf growled back at me showing he was bigger bad-er and meaner he took a defensive stand blocking all exits to try to block us in.

my eyes darted around for another way out but found none …now I was pissed….how dare they come in here and tear my family apart … I growled again but this time put my alpha growl into….being growled at by a werewolf was one thing but being growled by the alpha  you knew you were dead. He was big I mean like monster big like big bad wolf big.

I looked down to my sister and growled for her to stay behind me then I looked to him and crouched down and snarled in my alpha tone and bared my fangs in the attempt to scare him off…….yer right he’s and alpha like he gonna be scared of a girl….

He looked back at me with shock in his eyes I saw him take a small step back and really take me in.   his gaze to mine and barked a warning bark. I smiled I guess he has never seen a girl alpha ….My sister cowered between my legs shaking I could feel her fears though our bond and she was whimpering while he stood their blocking our way.

Then out of know where a howl erupted from down stairs it must be his beta or third in command the black wolf lifted his head and then I saw our opening. I grabbed Hailey by the scruff of her neck and bolted with alpha speed down the hallway.

I didn’t get far in a matter of seconds the black wolf jumped on my back knocking me down, Hailey flew out of my mouth in the proses I scrambled to get back up again when I was dragged down again, I could feel his teeth digging into my thigh I yelped and a fierce growl came from my lips, my anger exploded I was seeing red.

I whipped my head back and caught him off guard I bit down hard on his flank and ripped him off of me. Believe me it hurt me more than it did him. He rolled off the ground and stood up. Clearly pissed.

I had a feeling we were past growling. He lunged at me again I ducked and grabbed his neck and threw him against the wall. He got up quickly and jumped on my back his weight knocked me down he stood on top of me and growled a fierce growl the next thing I heard was his voice in my head ” any last words girlie”

Ok now I'm pissed I looked up to him, he thinks he can just come in here and tear me apart he has another thing coming “ yer asshole just two” I rolled quickly and he rolled off me I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the floor so I was on top “ I win asshole”

he growled and tried to push me off I went to end his life with a snap of the neck when 2 grey wolves snapped and snarled at me. ” Honey that three words” he gestured to the wolves in front of me , OK now I was beyond pissed I was seeing black as in hatred. I lifted my head up and snarled at them in a flash they were on my I didn’t stand a chance.

one leaped on my back then the other my front, he grabbed my neck and yanked me down I caved under the weighted, I tried snapping clawing biting but the weight was too much blood was pouring from my wound and I knew this would take forever to heal . If I live that is.

And in a second it was all over I laid there not a fight left in me the 2 wolves circled me laughing, my vision was going hazy I couldn’t see straight my body was shutting down saying you did your best it’s time to rest, but just before my eyes closed I heard a scream, my eyes snapped open I saw all three wolves surrounding my sister, anger burst throughout my vein and my wolf took over, no one will hurt my sister. That thought alone brought me back to life my blood boiled and burn through my vein now there dead. Any one ho touches my sister dies here and now.

I leaped up pushing away the pain it didn’t matter now the only thing that did was my sister, just as the grey wolf was going to attack I grabbed his tail and swung him away he landed with a yelp and a thud he was knocked out cold. I turned back to the other wolves he jumped at me in a swift moment my teeth clamped around his neck with a sharp twist he fell motionless to the ground , I had no sympathy they tried to kill my sister. The black wolf circled me “and here I was thinking you were a gonna hmm looks like I have to try harder next time”

In a blur he jumped at me I flattened myself to the floor and jumped up and hit him in the ribs he fell to the floor with a yelp” sorry buddy there anint gonna be a next time”

 I looked to my sister she has blood pouring out of her neck, fear takes over I run to her but I'm stopped by the alpha his teeth bared and ready to fight, I look back to where he was 2 seconds ago I was confused but that didn’t stop me I needed to get to my sister and I needed to get there right now.

I stand tall I let out a horrific growl and he steps back I lung at him his teethe bite my jaw as I bit his I go for the neck but he’s to quick , we keep fighting till I see our escape,

I look down the hall and see a window I grab him by the throat and push him down the hallway he growls and yelps at me pulling and tugging then he breaks free of my hold and bites my rib.

 I let out a heart wrenching yelp and stumble to the ground, but I was determined I turned and kicked out with my hind legs. I heard a crash and a yelp and I slumped to the ground I looked to my sister who was slowly getting up.

I sighed with relief as she came trotting over to me I stood up and licked her face I heard another groan and yelp from down below, we both looked down to see the alpha getting up and walking away he took one last look back and said ” are you afraid of the big bad wolf”

I walked away from the window “no I'm not and I for one never will be” I heard a howl then he disappeared.

My sister and I looked at each other I licked her wounds and she smiled I took one last look around, it was quite like no one was here I tried to smell around but I couldn’t pick up any smells. My attention was brought back to the wolf that had been knocked out it was waking. I quickly grabbed Hailey by the neck and ran up the stairs we got halfway when I heard a growl behind me. I looked around for an escape, and do you know what I saw …… a freaking window great this is gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow.

I held tighter on to Hailey she closed her eyes waiting for the impact I jumped the last stair and jumped thought the nearest window. glass crashed all around us Hailey yelped and kicked in my mouth but I didn’t drop her I blinked to clear the glass out of my eyes then my four paws hit the ground I wrenched in pain from the glass in my paws…..but what did I expect I just jumped out a window for god’s sake.

The last thing I heard from that house was” you can run but you can hide little white wolf “I heard a howl and a snarl behind me but I didn’t look back I ran and ran until we were at the border of our territory. I dropped Hailey and we both looked back at our home I looked down to her and tears were escaping from her eyes we knew our pack would not survive something like that.


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