chapter 10

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Stevens POV

Steven!!!" Y/n shouted towards me. I turned myself around to see. Her as a diamond, running towards me. The thing I see next scared me half to death. She lowers her hands down and lays the unconscious Lars gently on the ground. He wasn't breathing.

My breath caught in my throat. I shook him a little and he remained limp. My lips quivered and tears started to for at the corner of my eyes.  The other gems didn't understand how humans are so fragile and how easily they could die so they clapped and cheered for Lars, unknowing that he was gone. Y/n turned back into a human and she patted my back gently. And it felt as all of my anger towards her vanished. I hugged her tightly and buried my face into her side. She seemed surprised at first but the hugged back. Soon her tears formed as well. I let go of her and leaned on lars, my tears soaking his torn up shirt.

No pov

My eyes widen as half dollars and you took a step back. Lars' skin, hair and clothes slowly turned pink. He opened his eyes and blinked a few time . "S..... Steven?" He asks. Stevens head flew up and he gasps Steven clung onto him tightly. Lars looked at him in cunfusion. "Uh....guys? what happened?" He asks looking at his hands that now had a pink hue. He looks up at you as if you knew the answer. Sadly, you didn't. You didn't have any rose quartz when you were with the other diamonds. You only had back quartz. "you're ok" Steven says as he wiped his eyes

"yeah....what happened?" He asks as Steven got off of him and padparascha gasps "something incredible is happening to Lars!" She says. Steven sighs "after you helped get rid of the last exploded and my tears brought you back to life. " He says Chuckling nervously. "So am I like... A zombie?" He asks, making you Chuckle a little. "No, I don't think that's how it works" Steven says, giving a smile that held a slight bit of sadness. you sighed and gave him a hug which he returned.

"Glad you're ok" you say as you let go of him and take a step back. He nodded smiling at me and Steven. Lars went to touch his hair and me and Steven gasped as his hand went through it. "Your hair is like lions main!" Steven says he thought. "I could go back and tell the gems you're ok!" Be says. Lars nodded, obviously not quite understanding what was going on as he bent down. Steven sighs "I'll be back" he says as he went through Lars' hair. You sigh "I guess we just wait." Lars says looking at you.

It has been a half hour since Steven left and you were currently sitting on a rock and Lars was playing with his hair. It was funny how before, when you first met him, that he was stuck up and a little rude to you and Steven. But now he seems kind of.....sweet and kind. Sure, some of his old Personality was left behind but that's what made it all better. It felt like it was still him. Not a different person in his body.

Memories started playing in your head. You were with Connie. You both just met and she seemed a little weird. At first you didn't know she likes you until you decided to join a music club. Then eventually you both found out that you both had a lot more in common then you thought. After that, you both quickly became friends. Then another was when She was moking you jokingly about how you were afraid of I/n (item name). Then you had enother. The time when she came to your house. You had shown her who you are. She was the only one who knew that you were black diamond. Of course Connie was shocked when you told her. But, after a few minutes, she calmed down. She actually excepted you. She made a promise to you that she'd never tell anyone.

You smiled at the memories. But then friwned. If Steven got back.....then......will he tell the crystal gems? Will they want to shatter you like the other diamonds? But you knew you couldn't blame them. You did kill  lot of humans and shatter other gems..... You let out a long sigh and began to think "Lars......we should try to find a ship to get back on" I say and he thinks for a few seconds. "Sure. I mean it's better than waiting here."

Stevens POV

I jump out of lions main and find that I was in the temple. My stomach growl and I ran to the fridge. I stuffed my face with whatever I could and grinned to myself. '' oh food has never tasted so good" I say through a mouthful. Then I decided to bring some food back with me. I didn't need as much since Y/n didn't need to eat since she was a gem.

Y/n. Her name was stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out. Why? Well. Now hat I think about I can't say I don't like her..... she's nice, caring....even though her background wasn't as nice, Lars was right. She had obviously changed. There was no doubt that I clearly like her. But what was I going to tell the gems? They clearly wouldn't like the idea of having a diamond hanging around.

I let out a long sigh, deciding not to tell them yet. I grabbed a couple things and brought them back to the others. I went through lions main and I went out of Lars' hair. He was a little shocked at first but then calmed down. I look around a little confused. We weren't where we were before. Now we were outside of the cavern and above ground and the other gems weren't with us. "Um..... guys.....where are we?"


Hey guys. Um, I've just seen some good movies and saw some really cool ones. So I was wondering if I'd like to write a story about one. They would most posible ones would be ,the emoji movie, the night at the museum (I know it's not a new one but oh well, I like it), of the Smurfs. But I'm not going to be making them until I'm finnished or almost finished with my first two books. So please comment on what you'd think what'll be better cause I am having a war in my head about deciding which one. Bye!~

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