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I walked the halls with my books on my chest, and my purse on my shoulder.

I look side by side while negative comments were said.

I made it to my locker, and sat my books down.

I closed my locker as i walked to spanish class, today was the first day of spanish this subject i already knew since i'm Hispanic.

I sat down in my seat as kids threw paper balls at me, I honestly don't know how i got so fat I Was skinny back in middle school.

" Aye fatty can you pass me that paper ball over there?," bryshere said.

" No get it yourself," i responded back, and continue to work on my assignment.

" Fuck you say?," bryshere said getting up walking towards me.

" Aye leave her alone chill yaz," Keith said while looking at me.

" man fuck out of here," bryshere said while sitting back down.


I walked out of Spanish class in relief, I was so glad that it was over.

I walked to my locker to put up my homework, Then grabbed my notebooks.

I closed the locker when I looked up to see Keith standing at my locker.

" oh my god Keith why are you at my locker? Wouldn't you be embarrassed to be seen talking to someone like me?," I asked him.

" see that's why I'm different because i  don't give a fuck about what other people think it's about not believing what people got to say shorty," he said.

I nodded, and started to walk away but only to get stopped.

" but I'm Sorry about my friend he said he's sorry about his behavior," Keith said.

" Okay well that's nice," I said as i walked towards the girl's bathroom.

I looked into the mirror at myself in disappointment.

" i got to get this shit together," I Said to myself, but then heard the bell ring for next period.

I walked out the bathroom to science class, and sat down.

I had this period with Keith, and the mean girls.

They where the most popular girls in school nobody would ever face them.

I don't understand why they all look scary i'm not scared of none of them hoes, and that's facts.

Meanwhile i was sitting across the class listening to music while i felt someone staring a hole in my face.

I look over across the room to see Keith looking at me like he had hella heart eyes for me.

I smiled, But frown when i seen lira come and sit on his lap kissing him.

I rolled my eyes, and started back on my work.


The bell ringed for lunch time, so I grabbed my things and walked out.

I went to my locker, and as i was walking lira, miracle, and raven was behind me.

They kept pushing me, and pushing me.

" Bitch leave me the fuck alone dawg," I Said turning around, and walking away.

As i was walked i felt feet under me, and i fell on the ground lira had clip me.

I grabbed my books and got up i started walking but seen keith, I sign.

" hey ma you okay?," Keith asked me while catching up to me.

The Bough Breaks • Keith PowersWhere stories live. Discover now