Gotta Text My Girls

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Tara's POV

So today I was with Justin at one of his interview's. He wanted me to tag along. 

J: "Come on Tara, your sitting right next to me."

T: "Why?"

J: "They want to ask you questions too."

T: 'What? I thought we where here just for you!"

J: "Yeah, that's what I told you."

T: "Wow Justin's"

J: "Come on sit down."

Just then Ellen walked out.

E:"Hi you two!"

J: "Hi"

T: "Hey."

E: "Are you happy to be here?"

J: "Yes."

T: "Not really."

E: "Aww and why is that?" 

T: "I wasn't aware I was getting asked questions."

E: "Oh, I'm sorry, it's not that but trust me."

T: "Alright?"

Just then the show started.


Everyone screamed.

E: "I'm here with the talented Justin Bieber and his beautiful daughter Tara!" 

Everyone screamed agian.

E: "Okay first question goes out to Justin."

J: "Okay." Justin smiled.

E: "What's it like being back on tour."

J: "I love it, I love seeing my amazing fans, I love the road, I love the places we get to see while traveling. But I love spending time with Tara."

E: "Awww that's so sweet."

E: "And the reason it's back on is because?"

J: "It's becuase I uh lost Tara while I was on tour last time, and it was to hard to fake a smile when I lost my whole world."

E: "Awwww, any other reason it's back on?"

J: "To get her away from Austin."

Everyone laughed.

E: "Speaking of Austin, are you two dating?"

T: "Yeah where dating."

E: "You two are so cute together, and at the KCA's when he brought you out, and on the beach, your selfies together and just everything about Tustin is perfect!"

T: "Thank you."

E: "Is it hard dating him?"

T: "Dating Austin? Uh  a little, I mean there are going to be people who don't agree with our relationship there are going to be people that are not going to like me and I get that, Not everyone in the world is going to like me."

E: "So you get hate?"

T: "Well doesn't everybody?"

E: "Yeah I get you."

E: "So Justin? Do you like Austin and Tara together?"

J: "I mean the age difference bothers me but Austin is like a bro to me and I just don't want him to hurt my little girl."

E: "You here that Austin don't hurt Justin's little girl or you might just get a punch or two from Justin."

J: "No!"

E: "Oh sorry."

J: "He will get a ass whopin from Justin."

We all laughed.

E: "So Tara do we see you doing any performing in the future?"

T: "Uh I don't think so, as you can tell by the KCA's I don't like being in the spot light."

E: "But your dating Austin."

T: "I mean I like Austin so, I can mange."

E: "Your Dad is Justin Bieber."

T: "Yeah but I can stay on the down low, I'm really good at doing that."

E: "Okay but I want to see you on stage one day, someday."

T: "Maybe."

E: "I bet you will be on stage one day, just you wait!"

T: "I'll be waiting!"

After a little while our interview was over and Justin and I went back to our bus. 

When I went on the bus I saw Austin sitting on the couch.

T: "AUSTIN!" I yelled 

Austin got up and ran over to me and picked me up.

A: "I missed you baby."

T: "I missed you too."

A: "Why havn't you been answering my tweet's and messages?"

T: "Sorry I've been busy."

A: "Busy with what?"

T: "Stuff?"

A: "What type of stuff."

T: "Hanging with my friends."


T: "Yeah."

A: "Wanna go out to lunch?"

T: "Sorry I can't I promised the girls I would go shopping with them today."

A: "Didn't you go shopping with them the other day?"

T: "Yeah, but-"

A: "But what? Baby I don't get to see you, I flew out here to be with you. Please?"

T:"Austin I can't ditch them."

A: "It's not ditching them!"

T: "Whoa calm down Austin."

A: "Whatever. Have fun with your friends." 

Austin was about to storm out when I caught him.

T: "Austin no, I'm so sorry. I'll go to lunch with you."

A: "Really?"

T: "Really." I faked a smile.

A: "Awww  I love you baby doll."

Austin then hugged me.

T: "I love you too Austin."

A:" I'll pick you up at 12?"

T: "Works for me."

A: "Okay see yea."


Austin left and I knew I had to text the girls. I went on my phone and went to my contacts found the group message with all of them in it and texted's them.


"Hey guy's sorry I can't go shopping today, something came up maybe next time?"

They all responded.

"Yeah girly!"

"It's fine."

"We will miss you!"


I responded with,

"Yeah Austin just flew in I'm sorry." 

They all said, 






I then locked my phone and walked off the bus. 

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