"I won't let him hurt you"

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Justin POV

My Mom was right Tara wouldn't go to sleep last night.I was laying in bed trying to get some sleep, while she was jumping on the bed. I quickly sat up and grabbed her. She started to giggle. I laughed and kissed her cheek. 

J: "Honey you have to go to sleep."

T: "NO!" She said laughing.

J: "Tara baby, daddy has a show tomorrow, he needs to sleep."

T: "No he doesn't!"

J: "Yes he does!"


J: "No."

T: "YES!"

J: "In the morning."

T: "NO NOW!"

J: "MOM!"

I then heard my Mom walk across the bus. And slowly open my door. 

P: "What's wrong honey?"

J: "She won' go to bed!"

My Mom looked over and saw Tara jumping on the bed. 

P: "I told you not to give her ice cream!"


T: "DADDY!!!!!" 



P: "What?"

J: "Can you give her a bath?"

P: "You wanna bath sweetie?"

T: "Yes please Grammy!"

P: "Justin go and give her a bath. NOW!"

J: "Ugh fine!"

I then got up and grabbed Tara. Tara started to giggling.

J: "You smell bad!"

T: "NO! YOU DO!"

J: "NO!"

T: "YES"

I got to the bathroom and started to run the tub. 

T: "DADDY!!"

After the bath I was laying on the bed with Tara in my arms. She tryed to get up but I held her tighter into my chest.




I laughed at her cuteness. 

T: "Daddy?"

J: "Yes baby?"

T "I saw my old Daddy."

I then got up concerned about what she just said.

J: "Where? When?"

T: "The tall man in the bathroom, that was him."

She started to cry.

J: "No, no, no, don't cry princess."

T: "I'm scared!" She  said sobbing. 

J: "I won't let him hurt you."


A/N I'm so sorry for not updating. I'm playing the role Jasmine right now and I'v had fittings and rehearsal. And I won't update in the next 2-3 weeks. I'm sorry.   KIK me: Snuggle_bubbles. 

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