#260717 げんき だして - Cheer Up

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Dear today's me,

Maybe things hadn't work out the way you wanted today. Maybe your own mind continued to torture you. Maybe your fears grew bigger and you couldn't do anything about it. A simple 'it's okay' won't satisfy you, right? I will say cheer up instead.

You are already strong enough cause you've survived this long and tiring day. Get more strength for next days.

Ok, he got closer to this girl.
Ok, she got a new best friend and left you.
Ok, your all relationships changed.

But just know all of it was not your fault but your mind's. Your mind was the one concluding you would really be ok not being with them, that you would be okay not being with anyone else.

And the worst is that you ended up thinking you would be too afraid to keep a relationship working, that you fear it the most because it's one of the things you think you could never do.

Little do you know, how hard your mind is trying to stop you from moving forward by over thinking and misinterpreting everything? You continue to listen to this voice inside your head though. Are you feeling that lonely? If so, listen to me, I will be your best friend and your lover. Sometimes, we are the best things for ourselves. Sometimes, the only one person who can really help us is ourselves.

Babe, your thoughts are not always true. Sometimes, they exist to play a trick on you and you fall for it so easily.

What you shall do first is to stop thinking you can control the future. You cannot. You can't plan your life and every single day, no.

You can't have everything you want just because you wish you can have it. You shall often let things go if you can't have them, the loss will bring you better. You will just get what you should get. What's passing before your eyes exist to test you.

Change, as others change.

Be strong.

Be happy and thankful for still living.

Don't think about yesterday.

Don't mind about them. Just think about you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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