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     "You, my friend, are the best person ever. Have I ever told you how much I loved you? Like you're so beautiful, kind, just -" "I love you too, Tobes. Now let's get you to the couch." Mackenzie tossed Tobi's arm around her shoulders and drug him to his feet. "Oi! Tobi's pulled!" Harry teased. "That's my sister I don't want to hear about her sex life!" Josh yelled, keeping his arm tight around Freya's waist. "We're not hooking up. We all know Simon is the real danger!" Tobi said as Mackenzie let him plop down on the couch. "So I'm not the only one who ships them?" Chip asked. "No. Everyone does." Sarah smirked. Mackenzie ignored the blush on her face as she looked around the room. She could hear everyone's laugh echo throughout her head and it was like she was back in school. It was like they were mocking her, because she knew she wasn't good enough for Simon. Simon was handsome, talented, funny, kind. He was nearly perfect in her eyes, and then there was her. She wasn't good enough for herself, how in the hell could she be good enough for him? She left the room, keeping her head down. She found a sliding glass door and opened it slowly and quietly, surprised to see Simon leaned over the edge of the balcony. He looked over his shoulder at her, straightening up when he saw who it was. "Hello, love." He smiled. It was obvious he was drunk, so Mackenzie repeated what Josh had told her in her head. Nothing meant anything. "What are you doing out here?" She asked. He shrugged, looking away from her eyes and at the beautiful view before him. Though he felt her eyes were much more beautiful. "How drunk are you?" She asked, taking note of the empty beer bottle in his hands. He shrugged again, keeping his eyes away from her. She watched his face, noticing how his eyes were red and glassy and how his mouth never fully closed. He licked his lips before looking over at her, his eyes meeting hers. He froze, like he always did when he got lost in her eyes. They were beautifully captivating - and he would gladly be held captive to them forever. She didn't even know. She would never know, either. Not unless he told her. But he never had the balls to do that, not sober at least. He felt that she was way out of his league. Which was exactly how she felt about him. But she didn't have feelings for him. She couldn't. Not after what she had gone through with Nathan. "You're beautiful, you know?" Simon spoke quietly, truthfully. The fear of being rejected gnawing at the back of his thoughts. But the alcohol had given him enough courage to ignore that fear. Mackenzie, however didn't believe what he said. Simon gets very flirtatious when he's drunk. To her, his words were nothing but drunken attempts at making girls blush. "Thanks." She said quietly, breaking eye contact and ignoring the blush that came to her cheeks despite her efforts. The upbeat music that was barely audible behind them stopped, and instead a slow song started playing. Mackenzie rolled her eyes at just how perfect that timing was. Simon, however, loved it. He took a few steps towards the door and opened it slightly, just so they could hear the music better. "Dance with me." He said, now letting that fear of rejection show a little bit as he folded his hands in front of him and fiddled with his ring. "Simon I don't know how to dance." Mackenzie said, letting out a small laugh. He offered her his hand, smiling as he did so. "You think I do?" He asked. She bit her lip as she grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her closer. Within seconds, his hands were on her hips and hers were around his neck. Her skin burned where his hands rested and she could feel herself panicking. In her mind, Simon was no longer the Simon that she knew would never intentionally hurt her. He became Nathan, holding her hips in place as he forcefully kissed her neck. He became a guy in her sixth period class that shoved his hand up her skirt one day, just to see if the rumors were true about her willingness to let anyone touch her there. He became every other guy that had never listened when she said stop. But when the word came out of her mouth, that's exactly what he did. Because Simon wasn't like every other guy. "Are you alright?" He asked when she took a few steps away from him. She didn't answer, she didn't know how to. She just turned on her heel and walked away, opening the door loudly and pushing past people. Every single person at that party watched her walk away, but only one followed. "What happened with her?" Ethan questioned Emily, who simply shrugged. "You don't think he could've done something to hurt her, right? I mean he's totally head over heels for her." Harry asked. "I guess we'll find out sooner or later." Lux said with a shrug as he turned away from the flat door everyone else was still staring at. "Should I go?" Josh asked quietly. Freya shook her head. "They'll sort it out." She reassured. Josh, still unsure, nodded. "Mackenzie! Wait!" Simon called after her as she walked towards the lift quickly, keeping her head down. He didn't think he had done or said anything wrong. One second they were dancing, then the next second she was running away. He didn't get it. Neither did she. "What did I do?" He asked her once he caught up with her, stepping in front of her so she had no choice but to answer. "You didn't do anything, Simon." She said, her voice quiet. She wanted to cry, but didn't. "Then what the hell happened back there?" He asked, bending down slightly to get a better look into her eyes that kept darting around him. "I just want to go home." She said, taking a step to the side and continuing her way to the lift. She grabbed the keys and her phone from her pocket once she was inside, Simon right beside her. "Are you coming?" She asked. He simply nodded, still trying to think about what could've happened. Mackenzie unlocked her phone for the first time that night and went to Josh's contact.

Simon and I are going home. Call me if you need a ride.

Mackenzie hoped that he wouldn't call. Only because all she wanted to do was take off all of her makeup, peel off her skinny jeans, and sleep. Mackenzie pulled the sleeves of Simon's jumper she was wearing over her hands as they stood in an awkward silence. Simon couldn't stand it anymore, so he spoke up. "Well, do you want to talk about whatever the hell happened up there?" He asked quietly. "No." She said bluntly, shifting her weight from side to side. "If I didn't do anything then why are you mad at me?" He asked sheepishly. He didn't like how she was avoiding his eyes or not smiling like she usually did. He didn't like her not being her. "I'm not mad at you, Simon." She said, wanting to rub her eyes that were now burning from mascara creeping in due to tears that refused to fall. "Then what's wrong, Mackenzie?" He asked, taking a step towards her and very cautiously placing a hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath, contemplating what to say. He was drunk, after all. It wasn't like whatever she would say would matter tomorrow. "Every guy that I've ever come across has fucking hurt me, Simon. And you just -" She stopped, knowing exactly what she should say next but not wanting to. She didn't want to admit it. Not to herself, and not to him. "And you haven't. And you wouldn't, I know. And that scares me." She whispered the last sentence, but he still heard it. He heard it all, and he took it straight to heart. "Why does it scare you?" He asked, his voice just as quiet as he stepped closer and pulled her into him. She let him, wrapping her own arms around his waist. "I don't know." She lied. She did know. She knew that she was scared that her feelings for Simon wouldn't stay at the back of her mind for too much longer. And whatever it was that was happening now wasn't helping. Simon, on the other hand, loved it. He didn't love how she was struggling to come to terms with whatever, but he loved how much he longed to hold her and how she let him. He loved how he could comfort her as much as he could like he wanted to. He loved helping her. He loved her.

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