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     Mackenzie woke up before Simon the next morning. She brushed her teeth before throwing on a hoodie over her t-shirt and going downstairs to let Athena outside. Josh was awake and eating cereal when she walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." She said, sending him a small smile. "Morning, Mrs. Minter." He joked, not looking up at her from his phone. "Really?" She asked, unimpressed by his joke. She sat down across from him and he took the hint and put away his phone. "Yes, really. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't tease you?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow at her before shoveling a spoonful of milk into his mouth. "A good one." She said with a small laugh. "No such thing." He shook his head. "What do you want to tell me?" He asked before she could get another word out. She furrowed her eyebrows at him, a perplexed look on her face. "How'd you know I wanted to tell you something?" She asked quietly. Josh laughed. "You're my sister. I know." He answered simply. He knew his sister like the back of his own hand. Or her own hand. The one with the scar on it from their arsehole of a father. Josh just knew her and there was obviously something she wasn't telling him. "I had that dream again. About Mum." She said quietly. A silence came over them as the two of them were flooded with memories of their mother. Josh watched his sister's face and reached across the counter and grabbed her hand. "She's not sick anymore, right?" He asked quietly. She nodded and blinked away the tears that had formed in her eyes. "Right." She pulled her hand away and stood up. "I'm going to make breakfast." She said as she walked towards the fridge. "Okay. I'll be in my room." Josh told her as he put his bowl in the sink. He left the room quickly, leaving Mackenzie in silence. She was still preparing everything to be cooked for a proper English breakfast when Simon woke up. The first thing he did was grab his phone, having had an interesting dream and wanting it to come true. He went to the YouTube app and signed out before clicking the 'Create An Account' button for Mackenzie. He knew her feelings towards starting YouTube but he felt that if she had enough motivation from the guys she would eventually cave in. He hoped that were the case because he couldn't wait to see her vlogging and doing the same things he did. Once he got done creating the account, leaving the channel name empty for her to decide, he went back to his room and brushed his teeth and put on a top before heading downstairs. He heard her in the kitchen, humming softly to a song he didn't know. The sound of whatever she was cooking made his footsteps inaudible and she jumped when he wrapped her in his arms. Mackenzie hated that she was so jumpy sometimes, but Simon never questioned it. He knew what she had gone through so her being a little jumpy was understandable to him. "Look at you making me breakfast." Simon smirked and she laughed. "Making us breakfast. As in the entire household." She said. "Not just you." She added as she flipped a piece of bacon, moving her arm back quickly to avoid being popped by the grease. "Well I just did something amazing for you so I think I should be able to consider this just my breakfast." He said as he untangled himself from her and went to get something to drink. "And what's that?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. "I made you a YouTube channel." He said with a smile. She sighed and looked away from him. She didn't have the heart to tell him that what he did was useless. "I know, I know. You don't want to do YouTube. But I think you'd actually enjoy it if you tried it." He said as he pulled himself onto the counter behind her, a bottle of water in his hand. She thought about it for a moment, not turning around to look at him. She did think that YouTube would be fun to do, but the thought of putting content out for the entire world to see made her nervous. It took a lot of confidence in yourself to put something out on the internet like that. Confidence she didn't necessarily have. "What if we record a few videos and you can decide if you want to keep doing it?" Simon proposed, rubbing his hands together slightly nervously as he spoke. "Fine." She gave in, sighing as she did so. He smiled widely, letting out a small breath of relief. "Really? I'm so excited already." He exclaimed. She looked at him over her shoulder briefly, a small smile on her face. "What do you want to do? Q&A? Maybe you and Josh could do like a sibling thing. That's a good idea. Yeah that's a really good idea. You two should do that." He was speaking quickly. Almost too quickly for Mackenzie to understand him. She let out a small giggle and he was brought from his thoughts immediately, remembering she was still stood in front of him. "Why are you so excited about this?" She asked, turning around to face him and taking a small step away from the stovetop. "Because you're my girlfriend and I - I really like saying that out loud." He smiled down at her and she looked away, a blush rising to her cheeks. He watched her smile at the ground before he ran a hand through his undone hair. He was more than happy to be able to call her his girlfriend. And he thought it was extremely adorable when she was flustered like she was now. To her, being called Simon's girlfriend by Simon himself was beyond amazing. The title meant a lot to both of them.

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