40. Group Chat

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Babes 🌎

Mir 😹
R u all fucking with me right now??

Corey 💚
That would require wayyy to much work

Peyton Blanchard
Plus, Ceci isn't one that enjoys being messed with

And what girl DOES enjoy being messed with

Corey 💚
*cough* context *cough*

Does someone wanna be single?

Corey 💚
Not particularly

Row 🌞
I'm here!
Sorry I'm late. Photo shoot.

Peyton Blanchard
You're not late baby
Ceci ain't even here yet

Ceci Townes
Yes I am
Hello friends

U mind explaining that little bomb you dropped today???

Ceci Townes
Only if Amir admits he likes me
No bullshit

Mir 😹
I've liked you this whole time
I don't get why you all thought I was messing around

Because you're Amir

Peyton Blanchard
In all the time we've known you, you've never had an actual relationship

Mir 😹
Because I liked Ceci 😩
Just cause all of you decided to take forever to admit your feelings doesn't mean I wanted to

Ceci Townes
I'm sorry Amir
I should've believed you and I shouldn't have acted like I didn't like you
I was just afraid of getting hurt

Mir 😹
I would never hurt you
I really like you Ceci

Ceci Townes
I like you too


Corey 💚

Peyton Blanchard
You're one to talk

Corey 💚
Pot meet kettle

Row 🌞
You all took forever
End of discussion

The queen has spoken and our ship has sailed
Goodnight friends

Corey 💚
Night baby

Row 🌞
Goodnight peaches

Ceci Townes

Peyton Blanchard
See ya pancake

Mir 😹
Night wing girl

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