What not to do: At Hogwarts

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***Hey Guys. I'm taking this from my other account OnceUponAKnow (Don't go there I dont use it) and I am expanding it). Also some have been changed. 

* I have absolutely no idea how long I want this to be so its going to go forever!

*Stories go from first person to second person to third person soooo yea.


Disclaimer: Yada yada yada not my ideas....HARRY POTTER FOREVER!!!

1. Seamus Finnegan does not have a pot of gold under his bed.

2. Professor Umbridge will not melt if water is poured on her

3. I will not tell the first years on the Hogwarts Express that they have free choice of house if they swim over the lake.

4. If a classmate falls asleep, I will not take advantage of that fact and draw a Dark Mark on their arm.

5. Lucius Malfoy's cane is not a 'pimp cane'.

6.I will not teach first years to chorus in unison "The amazing bouncing ferret" whenever they hear the name Draco Malfoy is just wrong, funny, but wrong.

7. I will also not tell Professor Trelawney that I had a vision of her killing the Dark Lord.

8. Watching "The Food Network" is not equivalent to sitting NEWT-level Potions classes.

9. Transfiguring Draco Malfoy's uniform into a gold thong is inappropriate.

10. I will stop insisting that Snape and Hermione are secret admirers.

11. Draco is not Billy idol's little brother

12. I will not replace muggle children's baseballs with bludgers

13. When called upon in class, I shall not insist that the correct answer to everything is '42'.

14. Cho Chang is not on anti- depressants, nor should I imply that she needs them.

15. I will not bungee jump off the astronomy tower

16. I will not ask Mad-Eye Moody to turn Malfoy back into a ferret so I could keep him as a pet 

17. I will never again use the spell used to enchant bludgers on peas.

18. Enchanting the Sorting Hat to sort new students into the House of Martok, or any other Klingon house is forbidden.

19. It is not necessary for me to yell "BURN!" every time Snape takes points away from Gryffindor.

20. I am not allowed to introduce Peeves to paintballing.

21. The house never did fall on Professor Umbridge's sister, nor is she suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result.

22. I am not to "walk on water" in front of muggles.

23. It is not appropriate trade first years between houses.

24. Telling Lucius what he could do with his staff... is not advisable.

25. I may not try to find out if any of the owls are David Bowie in a magus form.

26. The fact that there are only three unforgivable curses does not mean that every other curse is "pretty much forgivable".

27. Robes are not optional.

28. Regardless of how much Professor Snipe's hair might annoy me, it is inappropriate to sneak into his room at night and shave it off.

What not to do: At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now