1. Seamus Finnegan does not have a pot of gold under his bed.

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                   Ron shuffled again, this time knocking a book off of Seamus’ bedside table.

                   “Oi Ron. Knock it off will you?” Harry aimed his herbology book at Ron’s back, smiling proudly when it hit with a satisfying smack.

                  “Bloody hell, Harry! Do you know how big that book is? You could’ve killed me.” Ron said crawling from under Seamus’ bed.

                “What’re you doing under there anyway?” Harry crossed his arms.

                “Looking for Gnargles. What do think I’m doing?” Ron asked rubbing his back. He knew that there would be a bruise there tomorrow.

                “I honestly have no idea.”

                “Well,” Ron drawled out. “I’m looking for gold.”

                “Gold?” Neville called from his bunk.

                “Yes. Gold” Ron smirked. He knew what he was doing.

                “But why?” Harry raised an eyebrow. Ron couldn't possibly think that Seamus is a-no. That's ridiculous. Ron is smarter than that.

                “Well Seamus is Irish isn’t he?” Ron couldn't understand why they were so confused. Irish equals Leprechaun equals Gold. Simple.

                “Yes but you know he’s not a leprechaun, Right?” Harry really hoped he knew because he had a test tomorrow and explaining it would take to much time.

                “That’s what he wants you to think” Ron huffed before crawling back under the bed to resume his search.


Sorry it’s so short. It’s my first time writing fanfiction, stop judging me! I will get better with time. and Sean. Sean will help me. *Its not an option Sean!*

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