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"Hi Coco!" Bambam squealed as he entered Jackson's house. He instantly picked up the dog. "Mark really let you watch him for awhile?"

"Yeah," Jackson said with a smirk.

"I'm jealous, Youngjae and Mark don't trust me with Coco alone," Bambam said pouting a bit as he sat down next to Jackson with Coco in his arms.

"That's cause you would probably lose him," Jackson teased.

"That's not funny," Bambam said putting Coco down. His smile suddenly died. "Hey Jackson."


"You don't have feelings for Mark anymore, right?" Bambam asked sadly.

Jackson sighed and put his arms around Bambam, pulling him close.

"I've told you before, I fell for you," Jackson said kissing his forehead.

"But how can you just lose feelings for someone so fast?" Bambam asked.

"I can't explain feelings," Jackson said. "But I don't think it was fast, I've always slowly started to lose feelings for Mark, ever since I met you Bambam."

Bambam looked up and met eyes with Jackson's. Even though Jackson hurt Mark and lied to him, he could tell Jackson loved Bambam just through his eyes.

Bambam placed a hand on Jackson's face and started to kiss Jackson's lips with lust and passion. Jackson pulled Bambam closer to him by the waist, feeling up and down his back. Their kiss got harder and more lustful, Bambam gripping on to the back of Jackson's shirt. They both knew what would happen next.

Jackson started to pull up Bambam's shirt. Bambam let go of the kiss as his shirt was practically ripped off him. Before he knew it Jackson was all over him again. Bambam leaned back, his hands on the back of Jackson's neck, feeling Jackson's tongue on his own as they kissed with a ton of lust, lingering love filled the kiss.

Jackson let go off the kiss for a second as he took off his shirt, Bambam's breathing already a bit heavy. Jackson threw his shirt on the ground and looked down at Bambam.

Bambam was in awe by Jackson's toned body. Jackson suddenly started to kiss Bambam again, grinding on his body as he kissed him roughly. Jackson's kiss trailed down to his neck as he heard Bambam let out a small quiet moan into his ear. Jackson was pleased by the sound and started to give Bambam kisses all over his body.

Bambam slid his finger through Jackson's hair, tugging at it slightly as he felt Jackson's tongue on his chest, teasing his nipples and making his dick twitch under his pants. Bambam let out a small moan of discomfort. As if Jackson could read Bambam's mind, he started to pull his pants down, briefs as well. The erection that was once trapped beneath Bambam pants, was now released.

Jackson smirked and started to pump up and down Bambam's length. Bambam let out a small moan as he felt Jackson grip his member hard. Jackson continued to rub up and down his length as Bambam's body twitched every once and awhile every time Jackson would tease the tip of his dick.

Jackson licked up Bambam's length slowly giving Bambam a wave of pleasure rush through his body. Jackson started to tease Bambam's entrance. He licked it causing Bambam to let out a moan. Jackson started to penetrate his finger into Bambam, slowly moving it back and forth.

"Ah, fuck, Jackson oppa~" Bambam moaned out, his hand gripping the back of the couch.

Jackson smirked and added another finger, now fucking Bambam with two fingers. Bambam's eyes were shut tightly, his moans filled the room.

Soon enough Jackson inserted a third finger inside of Bambam, causing his moans to become louder. Jackson looked up at Bambam with pleased eyes. He penetrated his three fingers into Bambam hard before pulling them out quickly.

Bambam panted a bit while Jackson started to undo his pants. He stood up from the couch and revealed his erection to Bambam who's eyes were barely open. Bambam sat up quickly and started to rub Jackson's dick like he needed it. Jackson bit hisip as he looked down at Bambam.

Bambam slipped Jackson's dick between his lips, bobbing his head up and down, making sure to give Jackson enough pleasure.

"How are you so good?" Jackson asked as he grabbed onto Bambam's hair.

Bambam looked up at Jackson with wide eyes and smiled as he took Jackson's dick out of his mouth, drool on his lip.

"A lot of porn," Bambam said with a giggle.

Jackson smirked and pushed Bambam back onto the couch. Jackson got on top of Bambam, spreading his legs apart and aligning himself with the small boy's entrance. He slowly started to slid his dick into Bambam.

"Ah~" Bambam moaned out as he felt Jackson enter him.

Jackson began to slowly thrust into Bambam. He noticed Bambam's hand trying to grip onto something. He grabbed it in his own and pinned it down. Bambam gripped onto Jackson's hand tightly as he started to increase his pace. Bambam's moans filled Jackson's ears, giving him even more pleasure.

Jackson started to pump Bambam's member vigourusly as his moans became louder. Jackson leaned down to Bambam's lips, kissing them and muffling the boys moans. The kiss was loving.

Jackson let go of the kiss and thrusted harder into Bambam. He could feel himself coming close to his climax. His pace increased, until he finally came inside of Bambam.

Bambam came right after onto his stomach, his breathing heavy. Jackson pulled out and kissed Bambam's lips softly. Bambam opened his eyes slightly to see Jackson hovering over him. Bambam cover his face with his hands.

"Fuck," Bambam swore.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked.

Bambam moved his hands away from his face and locked eyes with Jackson.

"I need to take a shower," Bambam said, he looked a little upset.

Jackson smiled and picked Bambam up into his arms. He carried him to the bathroom and sat him down.

"Here's your shower," Jackson said with a smile. "Do you need help to get washed up?"

"No I'm okay," Bambam told him.

Jackson just nodded a but and shut the door behind him.

Bambam started the shower and let out a sigh.

'Mark's going to be pissed,' Bambam thought, a distressed look on her face.


"Daddy," Mark said softly.


"Do you love me?" Mark asked as they watched a funny cartoon movie.

"Of course I do," Jinyoung said looking down at Mark who was slowly falling asleep in his arms.

"That's good," Mark said simply.

"Do you love me?" Jinyoung asked with a small smile.

"Hmh," Mark hummed in response.

"That's good," Jinyoung said with a smirk as the one person he couldn't be mean to fell asleep in his arms. He didn't want this moment to end.

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