Bendy x Creppy pasta!reader

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(Y/N)= your name

Your P.O.V.

"Please! Don't!" Another victim screamed. But what can I say? I have to eat, and Slender will be mad if I don't do what he says. And I don't have a choice, because, thanks to that idiot BEN, I'm monster that is killing people with ink illness. Just to get ink. But, actually, I'm doing those people a favor, 'cause they will die anyway. "Please! I beg you!" She screamed. "I'm sorry, I'm really am, but I have to do this. And you will die anyway! You have a ink illness, and there is no way to cure it."I said as I was about to stab her. "Wait, there is one way to cure it!" She said covering herself. "Wait, what?" I asked confused. "There is a cure for the ink illness! It's called ink machine! People say, if you find all the six pieces and fix the machine, then all those who are sick with ink illness, will be cured!" She said, with hope that I will let her go. "Then why did nobody fixed it yet?" I asked. "B-because nobody can find the pieces or the machine!" She said. "You're no use" I said as I stabbed her in the chest. While I was getting ink out of her I heard a gasp. I looked around, until I saw a little demon.

Bendy's P.O.V.

'Oh s*it! She saw me!' I thought as I turned to run, but I got pinned down. I looked at her face, and blushed. 'God damn it. Why dose she have to be pretty?' I asked myself. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I-I was just walking around" I said. "And why?" She asked. "N-No reason." I said, hoping she will let me go. "Liar." She said. I saw her about to sab me "Wait, wait, wait! If you will kill me, then I won't be able to fix the ink machine!" I said hoping she will let me go. "Stop laying, there is no such thing as the ink machine" She said. "There is! Me and my bro are on the quest to fix it! We already have few parts!" I said. Then, she got off of me and said "Wait, really!?" "Yes, really!" I said with smiles. "Then you will be able to cure everyone who has ink illness, but also to cure me from this curse" She said happily. "Wait, curse?"

Time skip

Your P.O.V.

After I explained him what happened to me, he looked at me with shoked and sad expression "Man, I'm so sorry to hear that" he said. "It's Ok, but what is important right now, is that there is a way to make me normal again!" I said with huge smiles. "But, won't Slender kill you?" He asked. "No, he may be rude and scary sometimes, but he is actually pretty nice when you get to know him better" I said. And that's true, ever since I became one of them, Slender was acting to me like I was his daughter. And he was ready to beat the living sh*t out of BEN anytime, if he did something to me. "Bendy! Where are you!?" I heard someone yell "It's Boris! I should go back but, maybe we can meet up here tomorrow? You know, so we could go and find the ink machine?" Bendy asked with smile. "I would love to." I said giving him a smile. I was about to leave, but then I heard Bendy say "Wait! Before you go, may I know your name?" I looked back at him and said with smile "(Y/N)" then, I quickly ran away before the one he called 'Boris' could see me.

Time skip

Your P.O.V.

"What!?" Jeff yelled. "I said, there is a way to make me normal again!" I said. You see just as I got back, I told everyone the news. "You don't want to live with us anymore?" Sally asked in sad tone. "I do, and I will, but I really want to be human again" I said. "And you think Slender will let you?" Eyeless Jack asked. "I-I didn't think about that but-" "But you may go on that adventure, (Y/N)" We heard deep voice of Slender. I looked at him in shock "Really!?" I asked in happy tone. He just chuckled "Yes but please, promise me that you will come back safe." he said. "Of course I will! Thanks Slender!" I said and hugged him. "You're very welcome (Y/N)" He said and hugged back.

Next morning

Your P.O.V.

After I said goodbye to everyone, I went back to spot where I met Bendy. And sure enough, he was staning there with tall wolf, a cat and two guys with cups for heads. As I got closer, the wolf sae me and yelled "MONSTER!" everyone looked at me and where ready to attack, but Bendy stoped the "Guys, calm down! This is the one I was talking about!" He said with smile. Everyone looked at him in shock "Could have at least warned us about who your friend is, you know!" The guy with red nose said. Bendy just rolled his eyes "Anyway, guys this is (Y/N). (Y/N), those are my friends, Cuphead, Mugman, Felix and my brother Boris" He said while pointing to each one of them. "Hi..." They all said still in shock. "Umm, I-I'm sorry for calling you a monster..." Boris said with his ears down. "It's alright, don't worry" I said with smile. "Why don't we go back to on track and you will ne able to tell us more about yourself (Y/N)." Felix suggested with smile. "Sounds great" I said as we begin to walk.

After fixing the ink machine

Your P.O.V.

I can belive it! We did it! After Bendy was cured, I turned bcak to normal! I don't have to kill people for ink! I turned around to see Bendy and Boris hugging and crying tears of joy. Then Bendy looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and then he walked over to me and kissed me. I was shocked at first but then, I slowly kissed back. After he pulled away he said with kind smile"I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too" I said smiling back. 'This is our happy ending.' I thought

Finally a one shot! And I have to go to school in 3 hours -_-'
Anyway, I hope you like this! So, don't forget to add, vote and comment!

Ok I'm out, bye!

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