Bendy x Yandere!Animatronic!Reader

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A/N: Heeeeeey, did ya miss me?? (probably not) So, yeah, here I am, writing again, wierd, right? But, let's actually get into the story, shall we??

Oh, BTW, last time I made a reference to something, and I guess I made a mistake not at least showing where the reference was, but someone actually found what it was. And the reference was, to a song 'for forever' from musical 'Dear Evan Hansen'. And the one who guessed it was...

*drum roll*


Great job! Now, to the oneshot.

(Y/N)= Your name

(F/A)= favorite animal

Request by: LunaLeGayPotato

Bendy's P.O.V.

I've been working at this weird place for a while now, and it really creeps me out! Like, these animatronic animals just walk around this pizzeria  and want to stuff me inside a fazbear suite! I'm not an expert, but I don't think they should do that. (A/n: wait, but you're a machinist, how do you not know this stuff!?) But what creeps me out the most, is an (F/A) animatronic, that is always by my office window. But that is not the scariest part. What make her even scarier, is that she is always smiling like crazy. It's a 'Jeff the killer' kind of smile. And that is not a smile that she has in a day time.

In the day time, she has a sweet smile, which actually makes her look kind of cute. And if she wasn't an animatronic, I would actually try and flirt with her. But when it's night time, she almost looks like Jeff the killer. And I was going to see that creepy smile again tonight. Because, even though I hate this place to pieces now, I need the money. And this was the only place that would hire me.

Anyway, I walked through the front doors of the pizzeria and locked them afterwards. I took a quick glance around the party room to make sure that everything was in it's places. And what took me by surprise, was that the (f/a) animatronic was nowhere to be found. I got slightly scared, because I thought she might be just around the corner to kill me. But she wasn't, and I got even more scared. I walked down the hall to get to my office and now something felt really off. I didn't know why I had that feeling...until I walked into my office. 





There stood an animatronic (f/a), holding a blood covered body of a guy.

Your P.O.V.

I looked over to the door of the office, where I saw my little senpai. I smirked like I always do when I see him. He looked so shocked. He kinde of even looked like he was about to throw up. I dropped the guy's lifeless bodyon the ground, which made even more blood to leak from him. "What's wrong, senpai? Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked as I got a little closer, but he stepped back. "W-Who's body is it?!" He asked/yelled while pointing at the body. I looked back at it and smirked. "Senpai, aren't you rude! Can't you recognise your own friend? You two semed pretty close to each other when you were talking talking to on the phone every night." I said with a wide smirk. He looked at me in shock and then back at the body. "Phone guy...?" He asked in pure shock and fear. His voice was quiet, but I still heard him. I giggled and said "Bingo~!" My smile got even wider, if that's even possible. He looked up at me with an anger in his eyes. "Why...why the hell would you do that!?" He asked/yelled. "Because he was getting a bit too close to you, senpai. And because of that, I had to get rid of him, before he could take you away from me." I said as I walked around across the office and set down on the chair. He looked even angrier then before. " 'Before he could take me away from you'?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! We were friends!" He yelled in pure anger.

Oh, my poor, little senpai. He hasn't noticed anything. I smirked a bit. "Say, senpai, how do you think, why is your friend here, if he was supposed to be somewhere else?" I asked my senpai as I stood. He looked at me kind of confused, but still with anger in his eyes. "Because you dragged him here?" he asked. I giggled. "Nope! He was already here when I got here." I said with a smirk. He looked even more confused then he was before. "What? But, he was supposed to go home more then an hour ago..." He said while looking down, which sounded more like he wanted to say that to himself. He looked up at me again and glared at me again. "But that still doesn't explain why you killed him!" He said. I giggled and walked over to a recoreder on the table. "Maybe if you hear the messege he recorded, then you will understand." I said and pressed 'play'.

"H-Hello?...U-Umm, hi Bendy! So, I really wanted to tell you this in preson, but-


O-Oh no, she's already here! O-Ok, I-I'm gonna make this quick. So, by the time you hear this messege, I'll probably be dead, but...I need you to know this Bendy.



O-Oh god....O-Ok, so what I wanted to say, is that...I think you are really brave. I mean, you're working here for, like, three weeks, and, nobody stayed here for more the two or three days! Well, except for that one guy  who stayed here for a week! We used to call him 'The King Of The Five Nights'(A/N: Guess the refrence, and get a shout out!), but, he left afterwards. B-But there's something more important that I wanted to tell you...



W-What I wanted to say was that...I-I like in...more then a friend (a/n: *gasp* Plot twist!). I-I know it sounds wierd, and I understand that you don't feel the same way, but...I just wated to tell you that before my, I guess this is a goodbye, I'll see you on the other side Bendy.



*Screaming in the background*"

The recording ended. I looked back at senpai. He was looking straight at the recoreder with tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong, senpai?" I asked with the same smirk as always. He still kept his eyes on the recorder. "You...killed him...because he was gonna confess to me..." He said. I smirked wider and walked over to him. "Yes, and I will kill anyone who will try to get in the way of our love!" I said with a chuckle. Which soon turned intoa crazy laugh. (a/n: you know how in 'Yandere simulator', when yandere-chan needed to calm down, she had to do that step by step crazy laugh? Yeah, that's how I imagine this moment.) Now senpai is going to me mine, mine, mine! And Only Mine! And no one's getting in my way.

Oof, this took me quite a while to write! I mean, I decided to actually finish this like at 10pm, and now it's 1:30am. So, yeah! I really hope you like this! And one more thing.

 From now on, a new one shot is coming out every saturday! Yaaaaaaay! So, from now on, wait for new oneshots every saturday.

And, please, if someone is still reading this, leave a coment. 'Cause I'm starting to think that no one is reading this anymore.

Ok, I'm out, Bye!

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