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That afternoon, I sat slumped over my maths homework at my desk. Liddy was on the couch watching love stories and crying her heart out. I growled. She was still mad at me but she knew that Mum would find out if she didn't keep it quiet. Mum hated boyfriends and didn't believe in them until we were, like, fifteen.

A knock at the door woke me from my daydream. I stood up and walked over to the door in a zombie-like way. Opening it, I knew it couldn't have been Mum as she wasn't home until seven tonight. Instead, I came face-to-face with the person I least wanted to see. Kian. "Liddy!" I called, turning my head. There was no need. She was already standing behind me, expecting. She ran out to him and hugged him. He willingly hugged her back. Maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe he wasn't gay. "Can I steal Liddy for a few hours? I'll look after her, I promise." I bit my lip. How would I explain this to Mum? "No." I said. "Liddy, No! NO! I won't lie to Mum so you can go out with him for a few hours!"I looked at Kian sourly. She shared a secret mind conversation with him and turned and left. "STOP!" I screeched. I was probably sounding like a spoilt child to the neighbourhood. "I'M TELLING MUM!!" I screamed my little heart out and ran down the footpath. Grabbing Liddy's arm, I spun her around also knocking Kian. Oh, goody. A double hit. "No, Liddy! You're not going! I'll be the responsible adult here and keep you from him and harm. Be sensible for once in your life!" She suddenly, and to my surprise, broke down in giggles, "Oh, you're so funny, Bel!" She grabbed Kian's arm and marched away from me. That's it! I've had enough! Lucky enough, I had left my phone in my pocket from school. I pulled it out and dialled Mum's number, making a beeping sound each time I pressed a number so Liddy would obviously know I was calling her. Liddy spun, glaring at me, "You wouldn't...." I smiled, evilly, "I would!" And I pressed the CALL button.

Mum picked up straight away as I knew she would. "Hello, Bel." She said wearily, "What is it?" I got on with my story, "Mum, Liddy is sneaking out of the h-" I was cut off by Liddy diving into me in her attempt to grab the phone. As I struggled to grab the phone of her to stop her from pressing the END CALL button, I heard Mum shouting at the other end. "Liddy!...Bel! Tell me what is going on? NOW!!" Then....BEEP! Nothing. Liddy had succeeded in her mission to hang up. I sighed and snatched the phone off her. "Uh-uh!" She took it out of my hand and turned to walk away, "I'll be confiscating this until you say sorry to me and to Kian!" She shook her head and I watched as she walked down the pavement.

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