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Desperate to talk to someone, I made my way to Tate's cave. While I was walking, someone touched my shoulder. I spun, freaked out by my follower. It was the policeman from last night's accident, "Where are you going, kid?" I frowned, "None of your business!" I snapped and turned away again. This guy was annoying me and I made it one of my goals in life to be rude to this particular policeman. "It is my business! I have the right to know where you are going at this time of the morning!" He shouted at me, his face going red like a tomato. I ran. As fast as I could away from him. I heard his footfalls behind me and he ripped my shirt backwards. I turned and whacked him as hard as I could. A red mark was visible across his forehead. While he was examining the mark, I ran again. "WAIT! YOU WILL BE PUNISHED! YOUR LIFE will.... be scarred.... forev... ev.... EVER!"

I finally reached Tate's cave but to my surprise, and horror, he wasn't there. Where could he be? Tate has never left his cave before... that I know of, I thought. Searching the outside of the cave, I found nothing but I scrap of fabric. I was disappointed until I realised that it was the exact same patterned fabric that Tate wore. I brightened and searching for more, found drops of dark liquid. Blood. "No!" I panicked and headed for home.

Worried for Tate's safety, I cried and cried. Blindly running like the time before he rescued me, I bumped into someone and fell over. "Bel!" A familiar voice cried, picking me up. "Tate?" I wiped my tears away and saw that it was. I hugged him. "Bel! Bel!" He cried, frantically. "It's time for me to leave!" "What? NO! Why?!" I asked, tears pouring down my cheeks again. "Bel! The police are still after me and even more desperate to catch me!" He explained hurriedly. "Why? Tell me why if this is the last time we will meet!" I yelled, angry at him for hiding these things from me, "Friends aren't supposed to have secrets!" Tate looked at me, sadly, "Bel... I'm sorry." He started crying, "I was in the gang that caused the crash last night! The one that killed your mother!" "No! NO! I... I don't believe it!" I was shocked. "I don't expect to be forgiven, Bel! But..." I cut him off, "I don't believe you would have been involved in murder!" I screamed at him. "Bel! Before I leave, one more thing..." He pulled me towards him and kissed me. My stomach fluttered and went warm. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I was in love with him! I had just never realised before. He broke away, "I love you, Bel! We will meet again!" And he turned and ran. I watched as he disappeared, joining other dark figures in the distance. "Goodbye... my one and only friend..." I whispered, tears springing to my eyes. And I walked away....

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