Chapter 3: A new awakening

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I groaned as I sat up straight.

What was going on?

Why couldn't I remember anything from the last few hours?

And the most important question: Where was I?

Rubbing my eyes, I examined my surroundings. I had been placed in a brightly lit room. I was sitting on a bed, with sheets that seemed to be made of silk. The mattress was very soft and the bed frame was carved into figures of dragons, griffins, manticores and other such mystical beasts of legend.

The room itself was no less stunning. The room was lit by four torches, one in each corner of the room. Although lit by the light of the torches, the walls seemed to radiate their own golden light. The same images carved into the bed frame were on the wall, except that people were fighting the monsters. It seemed to date back to early civilization (which were stick people fighting stock monsters) to what seemed like medical times ( It looked like a tapestry weaving).

I got off the bed and looked at all the drawings. Looking at all of them I realized that something was similar in all of them. Running my hand along one, I realized what was same.

The sword was in all of them. It was in the earliest prehistoric one, and it was in every one after that, up to the last one.

That seemed familiar..... but I couldn't place it.

Suddenly the door opened and a man in a cloak with the hood pulled up walked into the room.

That man....he seemed familiar.....

Suddenly a vicious headache hit me and I fell to my knees.

"Daniel, don't do this! There will be dire consequences!"

Suddenly I remembered him.

"Then by doing this, you endanger them."

He was the man who lived in the church.

"Ray! Are you you OK?" The man said, kneeling beside me.

"Yeah. I'm good." I grumbled.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" He asked.

"No. I remember you but I don't remember what happened." I groaned, trying to get up.

"Here drink this." He said, handing me a cup.

I put the cup to my lips and swallowed. Then I spit it out immediately. The drink had scalded my mouth.

"What the hell was that!" I shouted

The man looked into the cup and looked back at me. "As I feared, it has already started to affect you."

"What are you talking about!"

The man helped me into the bed. "Stay here. I'll be back."

I sighed and lay down. "Bring me some water. And make sure its water."

He left. Recalling the last few minutes, I felt something was off. Looking around, my eyes fell on the puddle of the liquid I had spat out. I knelt beside it and touched it with a finger. It burned, and I pulled back. Then I put my hand over it. I felt no heat.

Then why did it burn me?

What the hell was going on?

I stood up and walked over to the door. Suddenly I didn't feel safe.

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