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After spending a day with Ron. *sigh* Ron, the cutest, nicest, and funniest guy that I've ever met. Oh right, and also spending the day with Mione, the Weasley twins, and Mrs. Weasley. I was exhausted.

"(F/N) go to the dining room and feed Olly before you go to bed!" yelled mum from her office.

I went out of my room, got some exotic nuts from the cabinet and put them in Olly's cage. I saw a figure outside the window. It was an owl. The owl flew into the window and fell but, the letter sticked to the window.

I grabbed the letter, opened it, and read,

"Dear (F/N),

Hello! It's Fred and George. We have a feeling that you like Ron and we're pretty sure that Ron likes you. Meet us at The Leaky Cauldron tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon.

Fred and George"

Alrighty then, I'm guessing I'm having lunch the Weasleys tomorrow. I went back to my room, excited for the next day. I laid down on my bed, closed my eyes and fell asleep.
~ the next morning ~
I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Oh shoot!" I muttered while hopping out of my bed.

I put on a dress which is (whatever color you want) and brushed my hair and teeth.

I ran out of my room and I was about to put on my flats that are (whatever color you want).

"Where are you going dressed so nice?" asked mum.

"Oh, the Weasley's invited me for lunch at the Leaky Cauldron." I said.

"Oh! You met the Weasley's! Oh what a fine family the are! Alright, have fun." Mum said joyfully.

I walked outside the door and quickly skipped to Diagon Alley.

I went inside Diagon Alley and saw Fred and George outside of the Leaky Cauldron.

"(F/N)! You made it!" Fred said excitedly.

We started walking towards the door.

"Oh, and one more thing," George said while opening the door, "this isn't a lunch with our family. We set up a lunch for you and Ron. Have fun!"

"Wait, what?!" I turned around and they were gone. I faced back forward and saw Ron sitting at a table. I should have known this was a set up. If they only mentioned me then I should have known.

I walked towards him, "Oh um, hey Ron."

He looked up, "Oh hello (F/N), my brothers set me up. He told me that a professor wanted to meet me before school."

"You're brothers also set me up, they said that your family invited me for lunch."

Ron didn't look surprised, I'm guessing his brothers did this often.

"Well...since you're here, want to have lunch with me?" asked Ron.

I smiled and teased, "Is Ronald Weasley asking me out on a date?" He started turning red. "I'm kidding," I continued, "I'd love to have lunch with you.
~ 1 hour later ~

It's been an hour and Ron and I finished eating. We walked around Diagon Alley for a few minutes, and then we went to his house.

Young Love {Ron Weasley x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now