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Christmas break was over and everyone came back to school.

"Omg! I can't believe you guys are finally together!" Hermione squealed.

"Miracles do happen." I said while wrapping my arm around Ron. He wrapped his arm around me too.

"Awww. Ronniekins finally has a girl." teased George.

"They grow up so fast." Fred said while pretending to cry.

"Guys! Did you hear the news? They're starting a dueling club!" Harry yelled while running towards us.

"Wait really?" I said shocked.

"Yes! The instructor is going to be Professor Flitwick. The first meeting is tonight at seven." Harry said excitedly.

The bell rang and we quickly ran to class.

~ Charms ~

"Alright everyone. We are going to learn a new spell today. It's Wingardium Leviosa. All you have to do is flick and swish." Professor Flitwick did the spell and his feather levitated.

"Alright everyone, remember, flick and swish."

We all nodded our head and flicked and swished.

Ron was next to me and he was swinging his arm everywhere saying, "Wingardium LeviosA!"

Hermione was at the other side from him. "Stop, stop, stop. You're going to poke someone's eye out. And besides, it's LeviOsa, not LeviosA."

"Fine, you do it." Ron said while looking annoyed.

Hermione cleared her throat and said, "Wingardium LeviOsa!"

Her feather slowly levitated in the air. "Congrats! Miss Granger perfectly performed the spell! 10 points to Gryffindor!" Professor Flitwick applauded and everyone else later did.

Ron gave me a "are you kidding me" look. I just shrugged.

~ courtyard ~
Our classes went by quickly and it was dinner. Ron, Harry, a few other Gryffindor boys, and I walked across the courtyard to the Great Hall. "Oh and I was doing a spell and Hermione was like, 'it's LeviOsa. Not LeviosA.' No wonder she has no friends." Ron snickered.

Hermione quickly walked past all of us crying. "Ron!" I said while facing him.

"Wha- oh... Oops." He said like he didn't care. I rolled my eyes and gave him my books and ran after Hermione.

"Hermione! Wait up!" I yelled. She ignored me.

"(F/N)! Wait for us!" I heard Harry and Ron yell behind me.

Hermione and I were too fast and we lost Harry and Ron.

I followed her to moaning myrtle's bathroom.

"Hermione!" I said out of breath. She ran inside a stall and locked the door.

"Hermione. Please open the door."

"No." Hermione said while crying.

"Boys are rats. Don't listen to them."

"But you're dating that rat."

"I'm sorry about him. He's Ron, he can't control himself."

"But he's right. I don't have any friends. Everyone thinks I'm a filthy goody-two-shoes Mudblood."

"Hermione, that's not true. I'm your friend. Actually, I'm your best friend and you're mine. You're not a filthy goody-two-shoes Mudblood. Now please open the door."

"I need some time alone. I'll open the door in a few minutes. Just please go away."

"Alright, if you say so." I walked out of the bathroom and to the Great Hall.

~ Great hall // dinner ~

I walked into the Great Hall and saw Ron and Harry at the table. The were also looking at me. I sighed and walked towards them.

"Hermione isn't going to get out of the stall, I just know it." I said

"Well... Sorry I didn't know she was there." Ron said innocently.

"Well you shouldn't have said it in the first place." I snapped back. "She's my friend and you're nice and respectful to me. So you should be the same with her. You know how it's already hard for her to be here. She's a muggleborn for heaven's sake."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Ron said angrily.

"You don't mean it. I already know it. Gee, I wonder what happened to the Ron that I fell in love with." I stood up and ran to the Gryffindor dorm.

~ Ron's POV ~

Hermione was sooooo annoying. "It's LeviOsa not LeviosA." Ugh so annoying. I wonder how (F/N) is friends with her. I can barely stand her. I told my friends what she did and added the fact that she had no friends. I didn't know that she was there. The next thing I know is that we're all running after her but Harry and I lost Hermione and (F/N), dang they were fast.

(F/N) walked inside the great hall and told Harry and I that Hermione wasn't going to get out of moaning myrtle's bathroom. I didn't feel bad. I mean like she deserved it...I think. (F/N) kept blabbering about how life is already hard for her. I snapped and got angry. I take it all back. I've gotten my girlfriend upset because of me being rude to her best friend. She ran out of the great hall. Right before I could say wait.

"Good job Ron. You got the 2nd brain in the group angry." Harry teased.

"Oh shut up." I said while rolling my eyes.

A few moments later professor Quirrell ran in and yelled, "TROLL!...THERE'S A TROLL!...A TROLL IN INSIDE THE DUNGEON!". Everyone freaked out and ran around. He continued, "Thought you ought to know." then fainted. Professor Dumbledore told everyone to stay calm and all the prefects lead each house's students to their common room. We all walked out of the great hall and to the common room.

Harry nudged me and whispered, "What about Hermione?"

"Who cares." And I continued walking. Harry grabbed my arm and dragged me to moaning myrtle's bathroom.

The troll was right in front of Hermione. She screamed, the troll destroyed the bathroom, Harry tried to do a spell but his wand got stuck up the troll's nose. They yelled for help and I didn't know what to do. Harry was pointing at the troll's club and I knew what he wanted me to do.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I yelled and the club levitated into the air and fell on the troll's head. The troll got knocked out. And all of the professors arrived.

They told us to go to our dormitories. We arrived to the common room and (F/N) was on the couch in front of the fire place.

"You guys are alright!" She said while jumping up and hugging us.

"Well, you have Ron to thank." Harry said.

She looked at Hermione who also agreed. She looked at me and we both smiled. She jumped on me hugging me tightly, I hugged her back. "Thank you." She whispered into my ear.

We let go and she kissed me on my cheek. I started to turn red.

"Well, it's getting late so we should go to bed now." Hermione said while giggling.

"Yea, goodnight." Harry said. And we all went to our dormitories.
Sorry for not updating for a while! My school just started last week so don't be surprised if chapters aren't being posted everyday. Thank you guys sooooooooo much for all of the reads! Can't believe we reached  80 reads! I'm soooo happy! I appreciate you guys so much, you guys are awesome! Just saying, I know that the scenes in the story aren't in order it's just the way I want my story to flow. Anyways stay awesome and keep reading!

Okie bai :3

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