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{All prompt and art found on MarilLamperouge 's art blog 'Title'. I thought of this whole story while reading through the photos}

Sock smiled when he saw the clock. He looked past the flimsy glass separating him from the customer, giving a nod as they pointed to another ingredient. If you hadn't had any guesses yet, Sock worked at a Subway. Not one of the more impressive jobs out there, but he didn't mind. He had no problem standing all day and making sandwiches. The only problem he had, is when he made a meatball one. And, he dropped the meatballs.

The clock struck 12:25, signaling that it was indeed his lunch break. He only had this one last order before he could get started on his little surprise. The door chime rang, making him look up again from the wax paper in his hand. The first thing he saw when he looked over was bleached hair. "Hey Jonathan!" Sock waved from behind the counter.

Jonathan Combs, the physical embodiment of apathy's edge lord. Otherwise to some audiences known as Sock's best friend. Now, the two seemed to be an unlikely pair, and in some senses they were. Jonathan worked at Hot Topic, only fueling his edginess. Despite what he said, the ginger still found this to be a well known fact. He smiled while sliding the wax paper wrapped sandwich over to the cashier. A fellow employee named Marsha was at the counter, she would be taking over for him when he was on break.

"You got my sandwich, Sock?" He asked, walking up to the side of the counter. Sock's manager, a man by the name of Mephistopheles, allowed both him and Jonathan to go to the back break room to hang out. He sighed nodding and smiling again. He bent down, picking up two already made sandwiches for the two. He smiled, waving to Marsha before getting to the 'Employees Only' gate. It didn't even mean that anymore to him, as long as he and his friend could go back there for lunch.

He smiled, fingers latching around the edge of the gate and pulling it free. It creaked as he threw it open, beaming over at his companion. The blonde gave a nod and reached over, taking one of the wrapped goods out of the ginger's hands. He walked through the door, heading towards the other one for the back room. He shoved his hands back into his grey hoodie, giving the other a sideways glance before grabbing the door knob. Just as he opened the door, Sock realized he forgot something.

A camera and tripod. He stored them in one of the slots underneath the counter. A few days ago, he'd seen something. He'd sat on his bed, at about 12 o'clock, scrolling through tumblr. There was one thing he had seen, something that caught his attention more than anything in the site. Two boys, gay from their profile, best friends. They were doing this one thing, called an 'ask blog'. Users left comments all over, asking them questions. They filmed answers, it looked like so much fun! So, he had an idea.

He leaned over, picking them up and turning his attention to the door. Jonathan had already gone inside, leaving the other boy to catch up. He pulled down his hat, fiddling with the end of his skirt lightly before going in. He pushed open the door, exposing the back room. The back room was a simple storage space. With navy green walls and a table in the middle. There was one more shelf, where Sock planned to put the tripod later. It only contained some breads, and always had some sort of useless item on or in it.

Jonathan was sitting down at the table already, slowly opening the wrapper around his sandwich. Sock smiled as he kicked the door closed with his boot, the old rattling causing either boy no alarm. Jonathan hadn't even noticed the tripod yet, taking a fairly large bite out of his sandwich. Sock guessed, he was pretty hungry. There were some days where the blonde wouldn't eat at all, and others where he'd take carnivorous bites--like today. "Remember to breathe, Kay?" The green eyed boy joked as he pulled out his own chair, setting the film equipment down next to the silver chair leg.

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