Chapter 10

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"Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts"

"Melissa I'm pretty sure it's illegal to drag me to this coffee shop every day just so you can swoon at the check out boy"

"What check out boy? I'm here for the scones. They're delicious" she lied still sneaking glances at the gray eyed cashier.

I let a huge smile glide across my face. "Ohh I'm sure they're delicious because I've had two but you've barely touched yours so I'm wondering how you know "
Hell must have frozen over for Mel to ignore food over a guy.

"I'm turning into you" she cried. "You've made me boy obsessed"

"Hey don't blame your problems on me. You said I should be happy so I decided to be. It's not my fault your dumb brain deceived you food could fill whatever void you had."

"I've been coming here everyday for two weeks, surely he must have noticed me by now.
I'm going to go broke buying coffee countless times a day" she groaned.

I ran a hand through my hair and wondered where all Mel's confidence traveled to.
She probably left it in Mexico.
"First of all, "we" have been coming here , so like all best friends do, we'll go broke together.
Secondly, its the 21st century. You don't have to wait for a guy to ask you out."

"Wait!! Are you saying I can ask him out. People do that?" Her blue eyes went wide with confusion.

Mentally face palming myself, I leaned into the table. "You're fucking gorgeous, so get your ass off that chair, fluff out your hair and go ask for his number. You're champagne baby girl and its alright if he prefers tea but first you gotta try.

Standing up, Melissa Matthews in all her blond wonder walked to the counter and charmed the life out of the gray eyed fella.

"He never stood a chance especially after he saw your cleavage" I laughed as we walked out the coffee shop, movie date and phone number intact.

"Aubrey Elizabeth Campbell are you saying I used my body to woo a man " she faked gasped.

"Yes I'm saying you did"

"Well your mum would be proud so I don't care. At least it got me a date."she winked.

"Speaking of my mum, she left me three missed calls. I must have turned off my ringer during class"

"She's probably calling to congratulate me on snagging Shane"

"You know, you might go out with him and find out he eats his ear wax or has some weird fetish that'll have you running. So I won't say you have him snagged yet" I laughed

"Why'd you have to be a kill joy " she grumbled getting into her car while I joined her in the passenger seat.

"Hey mum. I'm sorry, Mel was.... He had a what" I screamed shock and fear consuming my body in waves. What hospital mum? Yes Grace Medical of course".

Without uttering a word, Melissa had the car zooming towards the hospital.

Please God let him be OK. Please God. I'd give anything. I'm not programmed to handle loss.

With my head in between my legs I sat between Melissa and my mum.
A phone call said Nate was on his way.
I felt nauseous.
I hated the antiseptic smell that came with a hospital.

Its been hours, shouldn't a doctor have come out already.

My mum ever the picture of calm was frantic with her messy hair and her tear stained cheeks.
One of us had to be strong.
"He'll be OK mum. You have to believe that."

"I'm so uninterested in a life without your father." She said stifling tears.

How was I supposed to console words that echoed so much truth.

"Mrs. Campbell" a thin Asian doctor called walking towards us .

In sync we all stood up, Nate rushing in behind us.
"Is he OK?" He asked as he enveloped me in a hug I'm guessing was more for his benefit that mine.

"Mr Campbell had a heart attack. Its common in men with high blood pressure.
It was a little tricky but we've stabilized him and we're hoping for a full recovery.
Although he's going to have to take it easy from here on."

"Ohh Thank God. Can we see him?" My mum sighed relief pouring through her words.

"Right this way ma'am. He'll be a little groggy but he should be responsive"

After my mum had doted tirelessly and Nathaniel had pretended not to cry, I was the only one left with my dad.

Mum had to get a change of clothes and Nate finally agreed to leave after he made me swear to keep him updated.
And well Melissa needed food so she stepped out for a while.

"You gave us a good scare dad. Don't ever do that again."

"Pumpkin you can't blame me, it got you here didn't it?" He said wiggling his brows.

"Daddd! That's just mean" I cried "You don't need a heart attack to spend time with me"

"Sweetheart, the last time I saw you was when we had lunch with Graham and his sister Rayne and that was almost a month ago. The last time before that was when you brought him to dinner months ago"

Letting out a sigh, it hit me that it actually took a heart attack to get me sitting beside my dad.
"I'm sorry dad. I love you and I'm not going to make any excuses I'm just going to make up for it."

"I love you too Bree.
Now how's Graham, it's been a minute since you mentioned him"

Only his name would make me smile even in muddy situations.
"He's fine dad. I got him to bring some DVD's so you won't get bored watching hospital cable. He's got a lot of good stuff."

"I'm sure he does"

Knowing how strong a relationship my dad had with sarcasm, I knew he was talking about how happy Gray makes me and not his vast DVD collection.

Author's note
I finally decided to do this for me and it feels good.
Love Jiri 💋

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