Chapter 15

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How dare you tears,
be so light and clear
when I have the wildest colors of hurt inside me .
Lauren Eden

I could hear the ocean waves lapping ahead of me, the tranquility of the clear blue skies captured my gaze and the cool wetness of the sad beneath my back calmed my thoughts.

I was alone on the beach mirroring the constant state of my reality, but I felt no pang of loneliness nor the need to be comforted by the presence of another.

"Bree , Bree wake up please!"

I'm truly at peace. I could exist in this moment in countless universes but still want nothing more than to remain in this space .

"For God's sakes Bree , get the fuck up!"

Funny it almost sounds like Gray, but that's not possible cause I'm alone with my blue skies.

"Look, the doctor said she needed some rest , that stress made her light headed, so I think it's a good idea to just let her sleep it off"

" Melissa, are you suggesting we leave Bree to rest because it's the right thing to do or cause you're hungry " Payne said rolling his eyes.

"I'd have you know that my best friend comes before food" Mel replied thwacking him on the arm .
This caused a collective giggle pass round the room of people who were interrupting the universe I'd created for myself on the beach.

"So babe, you're saying a box of Krispy Kreme treats couldn't get you away from Bree?" Arthur interrupted with a smirk .
"Now now love , we don't have to be mean, the donuts did nothing wrong"

Letting out a deep breath, I sighed, " It's always good to know where your loyalties lie Mel"

"Oh my God Bree" Graham... "Are you alright ?"
Turning towards my name, I felt my lungs collapse and search for air. And with the last energy I could muster, I whispered the only word that was a constant to my brain... "Graham"

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Brandon's new "friend" Cora was a riot.

It's like she was our own personal brand of laughing gas.

She was a tall legged brunette with dark as night eyes and round cheeks. Her and Brad had been " friends" for only a couple of weeks but she had slowly become one of my favorite people.

For a moment, I had forgotten that the only reason i agreed to come to the fair was so that i could stalk Bree because Cora was making a really bad imitation of an European accent, causing me to laugh uncontrollably.

The sound of a girl screaming chilled the air and I turned just in time to see Arthur catching a cascading Bree .

Without a breath or a thought, I was rushing to her side, relieving Arthur of her weight and making my way stealthily to the university clinic.

We all gathered in the room making light jokes , while I kept hoping my voice will lull her out of her slumber .

The doctor had said she was stressed and dehydrated but that she'd be alright .
She didn't look alright to me.
Her usually vibrant locks fell in weak tresses over her face, their color washed out and dull.
Her eyes had dark rims as saucers and her skin looked more creamy than caramel. She looked like a ghost of who I knew yet despite it all she was still the most beautiful girl I had even seen.
She was still my Bree.

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