Chapter I || Dark Temptation

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''Niall hurry up and get your bags packed.'' Called mum from downstairs.

''Ughh'' I said, but not as loud as mum had called.

I threw everything into my one suitcase including, my phone charger, clothes, boxers, a can of Linx Dark Temptation, everything I wanted to keep.

I sighed, ugh I don't want to move, I was perfectly fine here, I said quietly  to myself.

I took my bags down the stairs, sighing each stair.

Mum came out into the hallway ''Geez, Niall. I know you don't want to move, but fans are literally taking over, come on it'll be a good chance to make new friends and all that'' She said.

''Yes, but I've got perfectly amazing friends here, I don't want to leave.'' I said, but mum ignored me and went back to packing some organic soup.

I went into the kitchen and made some toast and put Nuttella on the toast. Dad came in and looked at me once, must have figured I wasn't a happy chappy and therefore left.

Mum called ''Right, into the car boys obviously talking to me and dad.

I just ignored her, but then thought maybe this move is good for me, she's right the fans are taking over. I jumped up, ran out to the hallway, grabbed my suitcase and got into the car. 

We're in the car now, I'm just listening to music. Dad says we're nearly there.

We finally pull up outside this big red brick and pebble dash house, it had a really royal looking porch, two garages, lots of windows, little hedges in a circle just outside the house and in the middle of them a fountain. Wow, this house was big and pretty amazing, wonder what it's like inside.

It's even more amazing inside, it has so many rooms. And I'm running around like a twat trying to find the biggest room on the bedroom floor. There's only going to be two bedrooms used, but there are 4 bedrooms.

I've finally picked my room, its got two floors to it. One smaller floor and one bigger floor, the smaller floor is where I'm going to put my drums and guitar, the bigger floor is going to have my bed and that. There's already a bed there, I jump up onto the bed and open my suitcase. I take out all the stuff in my suitcase and put it into the drawers. I put up some posters of girls, and one of me and the lads, Zayn, Louis, Harry and Liam.

On the smaller floor I make room for where my drums, guitar and piano will be, whenever they are delivered. I put up posters of The Script, The Coronas and The Beetles. There is already a 152 inch 3D Plasma on the wall.

I run to the bigger floor in my bedroom, and over to the window. I see a football pitch and a few lads messing around. I run down to the bottom floor of the house and look around for dad, I don't see him and I'm not going up two more floors and he mightn't be there, so I ring him. 

I can't quite figure out where this football pitch is, but I can hear everyone. Some guy is shouting ''SÉAN OVER THE WING''.

Finally I find where the shouting is coming from. Everyone looks over at me, I think well this is awkward.

Some guy came over to me saying ''Yo, where did you come from?''

And another saying ''Who are you?''

I just said ''Ehm, I'm Niall, I just moved here like an hour ago. I live just down the road in that big house called Le Haven.''

They all gasped and said ''For real?''

''Yeahh'' I said smirking.

They kicked an orange Nike football over my way, I passed it between my two feet teasing them and passed back.

One of them shouted ''Niall! Pass over here, by the way my names séan''

Another shouted ''Mines Wayne''

Another shouted ''Mines Logan and him beside me the ginger fella's name is James''.

I shouted back ''Alright'' passing to Séan.

I sat down on the bench and they all came over.

James asked ''Niall  are you coming to Silence tonight?''

Me: ''Ehm, what is Silence?''

Séan: ''Hah, you'd know you were new here, it's a teenage disco, come you will meet a few girls!''

Me: ''Ehm, I dunno.''

Wayne: ''Niall don't be a dry shite, come on. The girls around here are well fit''

Me:''Alright, what time?''

Logan: ''8 o'clock.''

Séan: ''It's seven now, lets all go home and get ready niall meet me here at ten to eight I'll take you there''

Wayne, Logan and James all left to go home and get ready for Silence

Me: ''Eh, Séan,  are you sure that's okay with your parents?''

Sean: ''It'll have to be'' He then Walked out the gates.

I headed home to get ready.

I put on a striped top, green hoodie, chinos and black high tops, put jell in my hair and headed to the pitch.

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