Chapter II || Dark Temptation

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We pull up outside this purple colored building, séan thanks his dad and gets €15 off him. We run up the steps leading to the purple colored building. Inside there is loads of UV Lights and people. Séan pulls me over to the boys we were with earlier today Wayne, Logan and James. They're all talking about some girls over at the juice bar, they all picked a girl they're going to go over to and chat up or something along those lines. They've all picked a girl, accept this, completely amazing looking girl. She has brown hair, it's kind of wavy right now and these amazing brown eyes, she's really petite as well, not that that matters. She's wearing a White loose top hemmed with black and has a white bow, Shorts with lots of different colors in them and tights. She looks stunning.

We all make sure our hair is sitting good, I fix my hood on my hoodie and walk over. She is looking at me with those amazingly brown eyes of hers.

Me: ''Hi I'm Niall''

Then I realise I sound so stupid. She just says ''Uhm, well hi. I'm Teagan''.

This is pretty awkward.

Me: ''Hey Teagan, I'm new here. I know all them lads, Séan, Wayne, Logan and James, do you know them?''

Teagan:''I know them, yep. They're all football crazy, do you like football?''

Me: 'Yep, I'm just like them.'' 

I say smirking.  

Teagans P.O.V (Point Of View)

Niall is gorgeous, and I think he is Niall Horan from One Direction, but I don't really like One Direction, I think they're too over rated.

He is wearing this amazing Deodorant, it's like really I don't know, kind of chocolaty, but not really. It's hard to describe, but it's just truly amazing.

I think Niall likes me, and I think I like him back, but I have a boyfriend, Jake. I just don't have the nerve to tell Niall that.

Wayne comes over and whispers something to Niall, I think I'm not meant to hear, but I do.

Wayne: ''Woo, Niall and Teagan sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-''

Me: ''Oy, Wayne shut it, stop being so childish.''

Niall just laughs.

Me:''Niall be a gentleman and ask her to dance, fool.''

Niall just laughs again

Niall: ''Tee-gan, do you wanna, ehm, eh, well dance?''

Wayne laughs and walks off back over to the lads.

I just look up at Niall, I think I'm about to cry, a FAMOUS guy just asked me if I wanted to dance.

Me: ''Uh, ehm. Okay''

I say, meaning to say, I can't sorry, I have a boyfriend.

But I'm not strong enough to say that to such an amazing guy.

We walk onto the dance floor, he grabs my waist.

I start smiling like, I don't know, probably like a freak.

He looks into my eyes, and I look into his crystal blue eyes, wow he has amazing eyes.

He asks where my house is

Me: ''It is just opposite the football pitch,  it's called Tir Na Nog.''

Niall: ''Oh yeh, I was over there today with Séan, Wayne, Logan and James, my house is just a bit further up than your house, it's called Le Haven, I just moved there today.''

We kinda awkwardly move about. He kisses my lips, but I cannot take it, no I can't, not whilst I'm with Jake, I just run. 

I run through a group of pairs kissing near the door, it sickens me to see that because I know that the people kissing are just going to move on to the next person beside them and kiss them too!

I run out the door and into the fresh air.  

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