Chapter III || Dark Temptation

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Nialls P.O.V

 I stand completely gobsmacked for around 2 minutes.

What? What? How could she have ran away from me, I thought she liked me.

Oh gosh, I don't know what to do or say.

I remember she lives just across from the football pitch.

I call over Wayne.

Me: ''Wayne, Teagan just le-left me. I kissed her and she ran, I'm going to follow her'' I say, nervosly. 

Wayne's jaw drops.

Wayne: ''Did she not-''

But I'm not concentrating on what Wayne had to say, I didn't care right then, I just wanted Teagan Back.

 Finally I see Teagan on the wall outside my house, I can see her but I don't think she can see me. 

I suddenly start running towards her but stop myself and think to myself, why is she sitting outside my house?

I thought she didn't like me anymore since she ran away?

All these confusing questions were going through my head, I decided that the only way I could get an answer was by asking her.

I slowly, cautiously walk towards the wall where she is sitting, she gets up, straigtens herself and runs.



She doesn't stop running though. 

She heads for the park but as she gets there she slows down and sits on a park bench.

I run to the bench and sit beside her, and hug her as we are both panting after all the running.

Me: ''Teagan I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you because we only met but I just couldn't resist, I'm sorry!''.

Teagan: ''Nothing for you to be sorry about Niall, it's not you its me!''

She sits up straight looking into my eyes.

Me: ''There is something for me to be sorry about, I've upset you!''

Teagan: ''But you didn't know I already have a boyfriend Niall, I shouldn't have even accepted your invitation to go dancing!''

Me: ''I should have guessed you have a boyfriend how could someone so beautiful not have a boyfriend, its not you fault I should have asked you if you had a boyfriend before asking you to dance, or at least asked one of the boys''

Rain starts to fall but neither of us seem to care very much. 

Teagan: ''I still think I should have told you, but the thing is Niall I don't even love my boyfriend!''

Teagan starts to cry. 

Me: ''Here babe have my hoodie you look cold, please dont cry.'' 

I wrap my hoodie around her and hug her. 

Teagan: ''Thank you Niall, but aren't you cold?'' 

She pulls away from my hug still sobbing.

Me: ''I'll be fine without my hoodie, ugghh I'm sorry I'm doing it again! I just cannot resist Teagan, you are beautiful.''

Teagans eyes sparkly, she's obviously touched by my words and starts sobbing even more.

Teagan: ''Thank you Niall, you are just adorable! But I have a boyfriend Jake, I don't even love him anymore, he has started drinking and smoking, he thinks I don't know, but I know I can tell all the time!''

She starts sobbing heavier than ever. 

Niall: ''Thats horrible babe, maybe you should tell him you know, he might understand.''

Teagan: ''I've tried but he just..''

She doesn't complete her sentence just starts crying even heavier.

Niall: ''He just what, babe?''

Teagan: ''Please don't tell anyone! But he abuses me everytime I even try talking to h-h-im about anything.''

Niall: ''Thats horrible, you deserve much more!''

Teagan: ''Thanks Niall your such a sweetheart, but I can't even imagine what he will do to me if I leave him, I'm so scared Niall.''

Niall: ''Maybe you could try talking to him when he's not drunk or maybe talk to your mum?''

Teagan: ''But he's always drunk thats the thing, I'm not close enough to my mum she would probably punish me for staying with him.''

Teagan: ''I've told you too much Niall, I'm sorry but I have to go!''

Teagan gets up and runs.

I know at this point there is no point in following her back, I think she needs time to think and it's late, it's 12.30 my mum will be wondering where I am since I told her I'd be home an hour ago. 

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