Chapter 24: broken ankle

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Emily's POV:

"Here you go" Layla smiles placing a plate of pasta in front of me. Ever since they found out I'm pregnant they are always feeding me. I sighed grabbing the fork and eating, with everyone else.

It's currently 6pm and we are all eating. We played games, Swam and basically tanned today. "So tomorrow, I was thinking we should all go cliff diving" Anna suggested, "that sounds like a great idea" Julian agreed as did the others.

Cliff diving. Cliffs. I look up to already see Hayes looking at me. I give him a knowing a smile which he returns. We went to a cliff but didn't go cliff diving.

"We will have the car drop us off there and then it's like an 30 min walk. We leave at 10am so that way we can spend the rest of the day out too" Anna added on and we all agreed with her.


Tying my shoe laces I grab my back pack and walk out the room. This morning we're going cliff diving. I've already had breakfast and then I quickly had a shower and got dressed.

I'm wearing a black bikini under my shorts and crop top. My hair is tied up into a high messy bun. The only make up I'm wearing is a little water proof mascara and some lib balm.

Walking downstairs, I'm greeted by Anna and Julian. We walk out the house as Julian locks the door. Getting into our cars, we drive off. There a two cars in total. One with me, Anna, Julian, Layla and Austin in it and in the other one has the rest of them in it.

"So have you thought of any baby names yet?" Austin asks from the front, "I'm only around 2 weeks pregnant Austin" I tell him, "yeh, I think Austin is great name too" he grins turning back around, the rest of us laugh.

"I think Julian is a great name" Julian pipes in, "I'm not going to be calling the baby Julian or Austin" I tell them rolling my eyes. "Of voided your not, your gonna call in Layla" Layla says grinning.

I groan, "nope, she's gonna call it Anna" anna says. "Nope I'm gonna call it, Carmen if it's a girl and maybe Zack if it's a boy" I tell them. "I mean there nice name and all but Austin still sounds much better" he says and this is how my journey is. They all just talk and talk about what I should call the baby.

As soon as the car stops, Im the first to get out. Walking up the trail path following the others. The scenery was beautiful.

I felt my foot slip slightly. A scream escapes my lips, one of my hands around my stomah. falling backwards. When they say your life flashes between your eyes, it does.

A hand grabs my wrist. It was a small yet soft hand. opening my eyes I see hannah her eyes wide just like my own, her backpack lying on the ground. She pulls me forward towards her.

We both fall onto the ground, I was breathing heavily. If hannah wasn't there then I don't even know what would have happened.

I lift my head up to meet Hannah's eye, "you saved my life" I breathe out, there were a butch of emotion swimming through her eyes, she just nods her head not saying anything.

"What happened we heard a scream" Anna's frantic voice said, running down the trail, "nothing were fine-owww" I tried standing up, but as I put pressure on my ankle pain shot through it.

"Yeah, nothing happened" Layla says sarcastically, I holding my ankle in pain I give her the middle finger, to which she sticks her tongue out to.

"Here, let me see" Luke says walking over. He slowly removes my shoe and sock as I whimper in pain. "I think you might of sprained it" he says, my ankle has an ugly purple thing on it.

"How did this happen?" Hayes ask crouching down next to me, rubbing my back soothingly. When I didn't answer he looked up at hannah, she fidgeted in her feet. "Ouch ouch ouch" I say in pain as Luke moves my ankle about.

My hand grabs on to Hayes tightening it. "It could be broken, I'm not exactly sure" he mutters. Hayes looks up at hannah again, I shake my head, "I was walking and my foot slipped. Hannah caught my hand at the right time otherwise I would be as good as dead" I say, feeling tired for some reason.

One my hands rest on my stomach over Hayes. "Let's get this looked at by a doctor" Luke says as my eyes widen, "I don't want to ruin your guys trip" I say feeling bad.

"How about I take your to the doctor while these guys can go to the cliff" Hayes says, everyone else hastily agree. "Great" he says as he lift me up in his arms bridal style.

My hands wrap around his neck as soon as he lift me up. "Thanks again" I say to hannah with a small. Her are solely fixed my Hayes arms around me and mine around him, she gives me a nod and a tight smile.


Sorry for any mistakes, I didn't proof read it. I don't mind you pointing the mistake out as it will help when I'm going to edit the book to fix the mistakes.

Be sure to check out my other book:
• Summer ROMANCE
• Fearless
• Forever mine
• Gang leaders baby
• Living with the Collins



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