Niam? NOPE!

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HELLO TWERPS! Hope you liked the last update! So... my spring break is coming up and I have no Idea if I will be able to update since I'll be at my dad's and I hate using my phone to write. Idk, we'll just have to wait and see.

Niall POV

     I sit on the couch beside Liam, who looks deep in thought. Maybe I shouldn't disturb him just yet. I let my mind wander to moments ago; the kiss. I bite my lip in attempt to bring the feeling of Harry's lips back, but it's not working. I feel Liam shift on the couch and I let my lip go. I turn to face Liam, who is already looking at me.

"We need to have a serious talk." He says.

"About?" I ask. He runs a hand through is quiff and sighs.

"About you and Harry's relationship." Say what?

"Um...okay." I say. "There isn't really anything there." Lie. I mean, we aren't boyfriends, but we definitely are past being brothers.

"Well, I can just sense the way he feels about you." Liam says. "He likes you Niall, like really likes you" Wow is it that obvious? Can he tell my feelings are mutual for Harry?  Should I ask him? No. Then what if he doesn't know, then you'll have some explaining to do Niall.


"Ummm...." I'm stumped. "I...I don-"

"You don't have to say anything." He puts his hand on my knee, which has been bouncing around ever since the beginning of this conversation. "I just want to know if you feel the same way, and if you do I have some advice."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Advice?" He nods.

"Yes. Harry is two years older than you Niall"

"So?" My eyebrows wrinkle together.

"Well, he could have any girl or guy he wants. I don't want you to fall for him and end up getting hurt." Liam looks me in the eyes; his are filled with care.

"I won't get hurt" His face turns confused and I realize what I just said. "I...I mean...I w...wouldn't get hurt. As in IF I liked him back" I stutter.

Liam presses his lips into a line. Shit; he doesn't believe my lies. I am so screwed. He takes his hand off of my knee and folds his arms in front of his chest.  Liam looks at me with one eyebrow raised and I can feel my hands getting sweaty; I was never good with confrontation.  Just like when Greg asked about my first boyfriend; I was a mess.


"Come on Niall!" My boyfriend tugs at my arm and I laugh.

       "Alright, alright." I run along his side, our hands intertwined. We head over to the ice cream truck and I pull out my wallet. "No, this is my treat. You paid for the lunch." Christopher says pulling out his wallet. I groan, but let him pay. We both get vanilla with rainbow sprinkles.

          "We should've just bought one to share." He giggles. I laugh and get an idea. Suddenly I throw my ice cream on the pavement; it makes a SPLAT sound and spreads across the cement. "Niall!" Christopher exclaims.  I shrug and wrap my arm around his shoulders. I bend down and take a bite of his ice cream.

 "Thought you wanted to share?" I say and he blushes. Aw. "Niall, you're freaking adorable" He kisses my cheek and I scrunch up my nose. "Oh, c'mon you know you love my kisses." Chris laughs.

      "Of course he does" A familiar voice makes me stop in my tracks. "Tell him Niall, tell your boyfriend you love his kisses" Greg says and I can sense the smirk in his tone.  I pivot on the balls of my feet and come face to face with my snarky brother.

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