Chapter 1

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I speed walk through the double doors at the front of my school, and inhaled the scent of, well, school.

I was about a good five minutes late to my first class. I sped walk pass the attendance office and walked to my locker. I quickly put my combination and grabbed my English books, closed my locker, then ran straight to class.

My long, wavy brown hair swayed side-by-side. The pitter-patter of my all white Vans were the only sound in the hallway, beside my heavy breathing of nervousness. I've never been late to school before.

I opened the door and walked into class just in time before the tardy bell rang. I heard Matthew and Claire snicker while I walked to back. My face turned red so I walked with my head down.

"Ah. Miss Vasquez. Nice of you to attend class," Mr. Henderson said looking up from his book, "the lesson is on the board." Man, was he hot. He reminded me of Zac Efron. He had these piercing blue eyes and luscious lips. He's young too. He's only twenty-three.

I sat on my seat in back, in the middle of Claire and Matt. Claire was on my right and Matthew was on my left.

"Why are you late?" Claire asked, putting her pencil down, turning to face me.

"I didn't hear my alarm," I said taking my things out of my backpack.

I hear Matt dying of laughter and I turn to face him.

"What?" I frowned.

"You looked so embarrassed when you entered class," he wheezed out, "all because you were late to class!"

I glared at him, "So? Like you've never been late to school before."

"I have. But I don't get embarrassed of it," he winked.

I squinted my eyes at him and pushed him playfully.

"Mr. Espinosa! Get on task!" Mr. Henderson scolded him.

His face turned red of embarrassment, and looked down at his halfway written notebook. I took this chance to get back at him. I starter dying of laughter. Claire knew what I was doing. He slowly turned his head, facing me.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"You turned so red," I breathed," all because the teacher called you out!"

He squinted his eyes at me and went back to doing his work.


The lunch bell rang and Claire, Matt, and I walked over to the lunch line.

There was an awkward silence, as no one knew what to talk about. Claire was the one who brought up a


"So!" Claire exclaimed, extending the 'o' sound.

Matt and I just looked at her.

"Guys! Today's Friday! What are we gonna do today?" She said, walking inside the cafeteria.

Matt and I shrugged. None of us knew what to do.

We grabbed our lunch and walked over to our usual table. Matt always got offered to sit at the "popular" table but he always declines. He always says that he 'rather hang out with his best friends'.

We are in silence, thinking of what to do today. I came up with the perfect idea.

"I know what to do!" I suddenly yelled, making Claire and Matt jump, then look at me.

"What?" Claire asked smiling.

"How about we go to the movies and then the mall? Then we can go eat somewhere!" I said excitedly.

They looked at me unsurely. I understood why, because every time I go out with them, my mom makes me take my little sister with us.

"But this time it'll be just us three," I said putting either arms around their shoulders, pulling them closer to me,

"I'm not talking my sister. I won't. I will not allow it."

They smiled and nodded their heads frantically.


School finally ended and I'm now walking to my locker. I make my way through the rushing students trying to get out of school, finally revealing my locker.

I got closer and closer and saw Matt standing there, leaning on the lockers.

We always walk after school together, whereas Claire gets picked up by her mom.

I reached my locker and opened it. I grabbed the books I needed for my homework. I closed my locker and looked up.

"Hey," I smiled at Matt.

"Hey," he smiled back.

We just stayed in silence, staring and smiling at each other. His lips were curved up in his amazing smile and his eyes sparkled. It felt like it was just the two of us here in the world, at least to me it did. I don't know about him.

"Ready?" He asked softly, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I said walking towards the exit of the school.


"So.." He trailed off.

"Do you want to come over to my house and then we'll go pick up Claire?"

"Sure! Just let me go to my house and change."

I nodded and looked forward.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Sure," he said smiling.

"Okay.. So my friend... Has a crush on a boy, right? But she doesn't know how to tell him because they've been friends since the longest time. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship. What should she do?" I asked, looking at the ground, kicking a small pebble.

"Hmm," he thought for a minute, "I think she should tell him. If it's meant to be, then there's nothing to worry about. She'll never know unless she tries, right?"

I listened intensely and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right," I said smiling.

"Aren't I always?"

"No," I said giggling.

He put his hand on his chest and faked a gasp. I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

We stopped in the middle of our houses and Matt turned to face me.

"I'll be back in a while. See ya," he said smiling.

"Okay," I smiled back. We hugged and stayed there for about two minutes. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Why do I feel this way towards him? He's only my best friend.

We pulled away and walked into our houses. I ran upstairs to my room and plopped myself on my bed.

Do I like Matthew? Or is it just my imagination messing with me?


Sorry for not updating in a while. I started school on Monday and had loads of homework this week.

I'll try to update as much as I can.

I love you all! :*

~ xoxo ☾❁

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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