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I hate this topic.
Especially since it's summer.
But I just have 1 thing to rant about............ sleeping in school.

All the teachers say, "you didn't get enough sleep last night. You should go to bed earlier. My class isn't that boring" (which btw, they all are, except lunch)

I've been wondering why kids sleep in class, and I've figured it out..... in kindergarten, you were taught to sleep in class. Not in your desk, but you still slept during school hours. So from the very beginning, you were sleeping in class.

You learned in kindergarten to raise your hand before you speak. So why "teach" kids to sleep in class if you won't let them sleep in class till they are fully done with school, which is at the age of 18.

If they want kids to stop sleeping in class, then don't start it when they are in kindergarten. I will feel bad for them, but in the long run they won't get in trouble with teachers from what another teacher taught them...... TO SLEEP.

Thanks for listening, well reading my rant. Please comment your thoughts. If you have anything you'd like me to rant about please DM me. Thanks and bye boo boo!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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