After hours

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I sat there on the bench watching people go by and hustle around busy with everyday life.

Who were these people? Why were they here? Did they eat breakfast? Did they close the garage? These random questions would never be answered for they were just strangers as well was I.

I think about this often. I wonder about the lives of others and what they wanted to do with that life of theirs. But none of that mattered much at least not now, maybe not ever.

Staring off I hum along to the song and my eyes dance around. To the people, the plants and the cloud filled sky along with whatever was within my field of vision.

I let out a peaceful sigh. Moments like theses are what keep me going. I live for this feeling and this alone. This quiet peaceful, loneliness that is both serene and melancholy is what keeps me alive for yet another day.

Time seems to slow and I become just another droplet in a storm of people. All storms however end. Calming rains will always yield to the radiating sun and explosive sky.

Taking in a deep breath I plant my feet on the ground and rise as the clouds above part exposing the blinding sun once more.

After hours: a book of short stories, advice and ideasWhere stories live. Discover now