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**Summer's POV**
"AUTUMN HURRY WE'RE LEAVING!!!" I yelled going past her door but then opened it.
"Autumn?! Is that what you wearing??" I asked laughing.
"Kylie said she would do my makeup, besides we don't have to be there yet." Autumn said not taking her eyes off her laptop.
"Please Autumn!!" I begged shutting her laptop.
"Why do you wanna go so-" she cut herself off and I smiled, she looked at me with the really look.
"Summer he's getting married!! You can't keep flirting with him and seeing him all the time!" Autumn said.
"I know, I know but we miss each other so let's go." I said getting up from her bed.
"Summer..." Autumn sighed.
"Whaaaat??" I groaned.
"Don't ruin their relationship please." She said looking up at me.
"Autumn get in the car now!" I said frustrated.

Finally we got in the car and Autumn was trying to talk to me about Meredith and Ethan but I blocked her out most of the time.
"Summer you can ignore me all you want, but you need to realize M and Eth are super happy together and Ethan always say you're his best friend that says a lot that he only likes you as a friend. Meredith is trying to be friends with you and be nice to you, and you flirt with her fiancé as a favor back?? Meredith knows about that and she doesn't appreciate it and I don't blame her it's low. Leave their relationship alone!" Autumn started raising her voice. I pulled up to the drive way but before she could get out I locked the doors and she looked at me confused.
"I'm not trying to ruin their relationship! The fact you're taking her side and not your OWN sisters is low! Ethan never told me he had a girlfriend until we started getting serious with each other! You know I still like him and I always will! If you ever tell Meredith if I'm "flirting" with Ethan ever again I will never ever talk to you again! I'm hurting still but you only seem to care about Meredith now days!" I said and unlocked the doors and slammed the door while Autumn got out quietly. I knocked on the door and Meredith answered. "Hiiiiiii!!!" She hugged me and hugged Autumn tighter. "Is everything okay babe???" She asked Autumn. "Yeah..." she said looking up at me. "Please sit we're just talking about the wedding!!" M said.
While the girls were talking about the wedding I was waiting for Ethan because I never saw him so I decided to text him.

Text convo with Summer and Ethan (Summer's POV)
where are you??

Eating lunch with the boys at Pizza Hut.

Well I'm at your house...

But Meredith said you wouldn't be there till late tonight???

"Summer who are you texting??" Meredith asked trying to sound like she cares. "Oh um just Lilia..." I fake half smiled and looked back down to text Ethan back. "Oh really???" Autumn asked. "Yes really!" I snapped.

ummmmm who told her that??

She said you did...

never said that...

oh ok well I have to go ttyl.

I know you're lying Ethan!!!
Erased message.
okay bye.
End of convo

I know he was lying Meredith must of said something to him and ugh I'm sooooo pissed I just really need to see him and ask him something! "So what were you and Lilia talking about??" Meredith asked smiling. "Oh just how we miss each other and stuff..." I looked down and starting playing with my nails. "Well she is invited to the wedding so you'll be able to see her soon!" Meredith beamed. "and Ethan..." I heard Autumn mumble quietly I looked at her and gave her a death glare and she just smiled innocently. "Yeah can't wait..." I said.  The girls went back to talking abut the wedding but I couldn't get Ethan off my mind. Why did he lie to me? "Do you like the color scheme, Summer?" Autumn asked me. "mhmm what? Oh umm yeah if M is happy with it." I said not knowing what to say. "Awe thanks Summer!!" Meredith smiled. Then we heard a knock on the door. Meredith got up and answered and it hugged the person who came in then they came into the living room. "Hey guys.." it was Kylie. They rooms filled with squeals and hi Kylie's and everyone hugging Kylie. Kylie sat down on the couch and Selena asked her "How was the flight?" Kylie nodded and said "It was good but everyone was arguing about dumb things..." she laughed. "So now that the bridesmaids are all here I will be telling you where and order and who you will be walking down the aisles with, oh and who are the groomsmen!" Meredith said and all of us girls nodded in response for her to continue. "So the groomsmen are Grayson, Aaron, Jack D, Alex, Nate, Jake, Logan, and Cameron." We all nodded but I spoke up knowing Ethan and the Paul's don't talk much anymore. "I thought Ethan didn't talk to the Paul's anymore?" I said/ask. "They made up... anyways." Meredith said snotty. Damn okay!! "Jessica you and Grayson." M said. "HELL YAAAH!" Jessica said. "What he's hot?!" Jess said, everyone laughed except me and Cam. "Cameron you and Aaron." Cam nodded. "Sierra you and Jack." Sierra sighed. "Niki you and Alex." Niki smirked and raised he eyebrows at Sierra and Sierra flipped her off. okay then. "Autumn you and Nate." Autumn smiled. "Kylie you and Jake." Kylie nodded. Well she doesn't like him. "Selena you and Logan." Selena lifted her head up. "Summer you and Cameron." I smiled. Thank you lord it's Cam! We all just watched movies until it was time for dress shopping. R.I.P to me. :))

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