Chapter 3: Barbeque at the beach?

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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP"  Ugh, Where is that stupid snooze button!!  " Lexi! Get up now or you will be late for school." My eyes snapped open and looked at the clock it read 7:00am and school starts at 8:45 I Jumped out of bed and washed up. After, I decided on curling my hair. My hair is blond with some brown streaks it goes past my chest area. I looked at the clock it read 7:35. Okay all I had left to was get dressed, eat breakfast and head to school. easy enough right? I ran to my closet throwing clothes all over my room deciding what to wear I finally decided on wearing a white flowy tank with some denim shorts. (picture of Lexi on the right) When I was finally done I went down stairs to go get some breakfast. " Morning mom and dad." I greeted " Morning sweetie, you look cute today." my mom said "thanks, what's for breakfast?" I'm starving and I'm already running a little late so I'm going to have to chug down my breakfast down. " pancakes, eggs and bacon with milk of course" mmm that sounds so good. I just took some bacon and eggs. " alright I'm gonna start heading to school see ya'll later" " Okay bye Lex!" The drive to school was about a 15 min drive. When I stepped out of the car I started looking for the office to pick up my schedule, but that's when I heard my name being called so I turned around to look and that's when I saw Ashlyn. "Hey Lexi, I didn't think you would be attending school here that's so cool! OMG do you have your schedule? Can I see it? OMG I hope we have classes together!!!"  I Can tell Ashlyn is a morning person or she had a lot of coffee this morning. " Yea I now go to school here and no I don't have my schedule yet I was actually trying to find the front office and yea I hope we do have classes together too it would be good knowing someone In the same classes as me." " OMG I can already tell we are going to be the best of friends, OMG I'm being so rude I didn't  even ask you can we be friends?" she asked with warming but slightly worried face. To be honest I already considered her as a friend. " Of course we can be friends, but can you show me where I can pick up my schedule?" " Yea sure follow me" The office was full of kids it was so full I had already missed 1st hour and more than half of 2nd hour. It was finally my turn. Me and Ashlyn walked up to the desk where a middle aged woman was she greeted us with a warm kind smile. "Hello girls, What can I help with you with today?" " Hi My name is Lexi Perez, and this is my first day here I need to pick up my schedule and locker number and combo." I said and smiled back at her. " Oh of course let me get that for you" she shuffled through some papers and finally handed me my papers and my pass for class. Me and Ashlyn first went to my locker 1142  combo number:49 27 37. After I put my books in them I shut it and we looked at my schedule.

1. Science- Mr. Smith

2. Math- Mr. Brooks hall- Mr. Brooks

4.L.A - Mr. Howard (lunch)

5. history- Ms. Bell

6. health- Mrs.Clemons

" Yay! you have all my class! come on we are already late lets get to class."

We are now at the door of my L.A class I was kind of nervous to be honest, but I knew I had to go in sooner or later. I twisted the door knob and opened the door, the door squeaked and everyone's attention went straight to me and Ashlyn. We both walked to the teacher, I could here the guys making dog whistles.  " Hi I'm  Lexi Perez, and I'm new to your class." I said with my best smile, I had to make a good impression now, since I was already late to his class and distracted his class. "Hello Lexi, It's nice to have you apart of my class now. You can sit--" He said while examining the class " Hmm, I guess you can sit next to Ms. Ashlyn here." I smiled and said a quick okay and took my seat next to Ashlyn.


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