Chapter 5

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G: "And we'll see you"
G:"That's a wrap!"

*turns off camera.*

E: "That's a wrap? This isn't a movie set."

*Cameron walks in*

C:"You guys done filming yet?"
G:" Just finished."
C: "Who won?"
G:"Ummm.... @youryoutubename"
C: "Cool. Is it a girl or dude?"
G: "Can't tell. I can't really zoom in on the profile pic."
E: "It's cool. This isn't about that anyways. I'm really glad we got to do this."
G: "Me too bro."
C: "I'll laugh if this backfires and they're crazy"
E: "We plan to stalk their social media and hope it doesn't give off murderer vibes"
C: "Okay. You guys gotta hurry and edit to get this video up today"
G: "Yeah why did we procrastinate so much?"
E: "Cuz we're idiots!"
C: "If you guys go and edit right now. I'll investigate the person for you."
E: "Really?!"
C: "Sure"
G: "Thanks!"

                  ****Done Editing****

G: "Done. Ready to post"
C: "I checked the person for you.  Wasn't too hard to find their social medias. They seem pretty normal and funny. Also I watched, and did you guys know that she makes- "
GE: "SHE?!"
C: "Yes...she."
E: "That's all we need to know. Approved! Gray upload the video."
G: "Yeahhhh !"
E: "Lets give her a couple of hours to watch the video while we go eat and then after we'll slide into her DM's."
G: "Okay! We gotta tweet and snap that we posted the video first."
E: "Right!"


E: *mouthfull*
G: "I know."
E: "Why aren't you eating?"
G: "I did eat. A human amount."
G: "You're on your fourth stack!"
E: "Grayson..."

E: *puts down utensils and folds hands*

E: "I feel judged."
E: "I didn't ask for your judgement."
E: "We just filmed edited and posted in one day. Works up an appetite."
E: "You don't see me judging you about always being on you're phone"

"E: "You don't see me judging you about always being on you're phone"G: "YOU PUT MY PHONE IN AN ICE BLOCK!"

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E: " was just a prank bro."
E: "Clearly you didn't learn cuz you're still on it. Who are you even talking to? I'm you're only friend."

E: "Why are you doing that face?"E: "

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E: "Why are you doing that face?"
E: "....You didn't...."

*E picks up his phone and opens twitter*

E: "GRAYSON! You slid into her DM's without me!"
G: "My hand slipped"
E: "You lil bitch!"
E: "How did you even find her twitter?!"
G: "Our wonderful big sister."
E: "Woww Cameron."

*messages are sent in group chat back and forth*


G: "What?"E: "That's a beautiful name" Really Gray? Really?"G: "What?"E: "Stop

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G: "What?"
E: "That's a beautiful name" Really Gray? Really?"
G: "What?"
E: "Stop. Flirting."
G: "Why?"
E: "Cuz"

*messages are sent in group chat back and forth*


 E: "What?"G: "Perfect!Just like you 😉" Really Ethan?"E: "I have no idea what you're talking about?"G: "STOP

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E: "What?"
G: "Perfect!Just like you 😉" Really Ethan?"
E: "I have no idea what you're talking about?"
G: "STOP."
E: "Why?"
G: "Cuz maybe I like her."
E: "You don't even know her!"
G: "Hey! I said maybe. So back off."
E: "Nah. I don't think I will."

Note: If it's in quotation marks that's them speaking in real time. If theres no quotation marks that them texting in the group chat.

Y/N: So what's the plan guys?
E: Plan?
Y/N: Yeah with the contest? When will I be coming and stuff?
E: Ohhhhh
G: Well July just started so we were thinking the last week of August.
Y/N: okay I'll book it off work!
G: The plan is we'll fly you and you're parent and you'll come stay with us for a week and a half.
G: Yeah is that a problem
Y/N: Ummm....

G: "What did I do?"
E: "You said parent! You're supposed to say guardian. What if she's saying that cuz she doesn't have parents?"
G: "...Oh no....."
E: " Yeah! Ya doof."

E: Or a guardian
Y/N: Yeah yeah. I get what y'all are saying. I was just thinking. My parents are working and I highly doubt they will book it off to fly with me. So since I'm 18 I was wondering if....
G: yes?
Y/N: If I could maybe bring a friend to come with me.

E: "GRAY!!! Did you read that?!"
G: "Yeah she wants to bring a friend. Sounds okay with me."
E: "Yeah this is perfect!"
G: "Yeah she can come and not be alone."
E: "And you won't be alone while I'm smooching her cuz you can take her friend."
G: "No ya ass clown!"
G: "I told you I liked her first."
E: "You keep saying that. But I don't recall."
G: "Ethan back off. Or I'll tweet and tell everyone about that time when you-"
E: "You wouldn't!"
G: "Oh... I would!"
E: "Fine. I'll step back."
G: "Good."

E: Yeah Y/N. You can bring a friend!
Y/N: Perfect! I might be bring my cousin actually. She could really use a vacation.
G: Cousin?
Y/N: Yeah!
E: Do you guys look alike
Y/N: Kinda... I guess... We don't think so but a lot of people say we do. 🤷🏾‍♀️
E: Perfect 😏
Y/N: Thank you guys so much!
G: You're welcome

Grethan P.O.V. And Ethan said he'll back off lol. I hope you guys like seeing more of what's going on the Grethan side of things. Also I enjoy writing bickering parts. It's all jokes doe. Just friendly brother competition. Comment ur thoughts and vote.
~ethansapplecream 🍏

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