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'Keep your memories close to your heart...DON'T EVER LET GO UNDERSTOOD?!!'

'yes father...'

Everybody was leaving my father's funeral ceremony that had just taken place that cold afternoon , the last thing I wanted to do was leave him there on his own only to be accompanied by the artificial flowers people had left surrounding his cascit.

He was ruthlessly killed by those vicious ghouls...

Just by the name I felt shudders down my spine.My father was still a senior investigator and like me he had a strong sensebilty.

I was surprised he died at first but being killed by a ghoul was just a 'common story' nowhere days .

You'll see or hear people being killed on the news but the truth was the viewers were just glad it wasn't them....yet.

To them we were just food waiting to be eaten.

What is it like being such a feared being?

Is it fun?

With a shaky breath I place a firm hand on my father's coffin it was like touching ice....

I stare at my reflection on the cover to notice I wasn't crying like the victims of dead comrades on the news.My tears just wouldn't I was used to it all.I tap my f/c nails on the dead man's coffin like I wanted something ,knowing I couldn't get anything I stop and sigh.

Why you father?

My father is better at silence then I am.

I hear sudden foot steps to my right making me jolt. Usually I would of sensed any human behind me. A ghoul?

"As a father and as a comrade...Marco l/n was a fine man"

The male voice says as his words get louder with every step.

I turn to see a man with gleaming glasses and snowy white hair looking ahead with a half smile plastered on his pure white face, which got whiter as he got closer. He wore a jet black suit which made him appear like slender man . His chalky white shirt could partly be seen behind his black tie which looked too professional. Could a tie really be that perfect??

"Arima-San?"I say looking up.

"Your father L/n-san spoke of me?"he looks down at his dead comrade's coffin.

"No...I saw you on the news a few times.." I mutter with my eyes fixed on my father's coffin.

"It that so?!..."he scratches his head and does a adorable squint smile.

But suddenly it fades like a ghoul's flesh wound...

"Your father told me a lot about you too y/n...too much..."

Arima kneels in front of the coffin and retrieves a crimson rose that stood out from the rest because of it's darker contrast it looked almost haunting how did it get so dark?

He sniffs it and holds it up in admiration.

"I can't just sit here and let death take me...I'm tired of it all...WHO WOULDN'T BE??" My outburst was so sudden it made the coffin jolt.

I stare coldly at an unphased Arima who is fiddeling with withered rose petals.

"THOSE BEINGS GHOULS...I WANT TO KILL THEM ALL...EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!" I slam my clenched fists repeatedly on my father's coffin flower petals fly into the air like uncalled for confete.

The colours hit the floor and on my now shaking frame.

I hear a light chuckle from above. Arima kneels in front of me and slowly removes his glasses. Too angry at the world I miss his glare.

He throws his toy aside and holds my chin firmly so I can face him.

Our eyes meet.

"Revenge huh?'s not too late"

I know it's not I'm just despirate...I don't want to be fooled by all this optimist in me anymore.

He leans closer.

"You take from your father but in your own twisted way "

"I want to be an investigator like he was Arima-San....I want to clean this world from them the ghouls...I want to create a new world only the good live in...."my voice began to sound alot like light yagami with just that one phrase.

"Very well...but it won't be easy it never was..." Arima releases my chin and stands up he slowly puts his glasses back on.

"I'll speak to the chairman about that more importantly I'll get you home...please follow me"he motions for me to follow.

I slowly raise myself to my feet and stare at my father's now messy cascit. The once beautifully kept flowers were now messily splattered over the floor,just like my mind. None of those beautifully placed flowers Could be repaired. I never once had OCD but the state of this was unforgettably disgusting.

I follow Arima's steps to were he is.

Arima patiently stood out side his white porche and frowns as I approach. "You took your sweet time it must be hard for you y/n but remember your not the only person having to bare with that..."Arima eyes went as cold as the wind blowing pass us.

"It's not like I know any one who does..."i mutter opening the door ajasent the driver's seat.

How on earth could he get a car as stylish as this?!

"By the way This isn't my car it belonged to a ghoul I killed...let's just say l borrowed it"he starts the engine and we were on the main road. Still creeped out by the origins of the porche my lips remain sealed.

We past houses unfirmiliar to me.

"A...Arima-San house is that way!!!"I point backwards.

"No...your going to my apartment..."


White silence (Arima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now