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This ghoul that stands before me now is a Kakuja...But this is by far one of the craziest. Right now I'm  standing in one of those huge abandoned shopping malls that I cleared of ghouls that were trying to find a way to get into people's homes. The ghoul's centipede like tentacles had left a  few wounds on my armor, that was no match for the razor sharp blades embedded in his Kagane that had a mind of its own. The crazy ghoul starts to shout crazy things as it runs in circles up and down the walls like a lost rat. I watch it wondering when it would strike again.

" SHe DiD THIs To MeEee.... ShE MAde ME fEEL BAD AbouT kILLIng hER foolish DaDDy...wEE aLL waNT soMEBodY tO blaME wHEN wE fIND thAT sOMEboDY tHE wORLD poINTS aND CRIes..." The crazy Kakuja shouts hanging from the ceiling by it's Kagane, it's purple deformed beak bobbing rapidly as It speaks in a raspy tone.

What on earth was this crazy ghoul on about? I clutch my weapon as I keep my eyes on it's body which was swinging and twisting in ways inhumane. The sight of it making me cringe. " BOku? WAtaSHI? oRE?( in Japanese all these words are used when saying 'I'). Was all I could hear from above as the creature was still rocking on the ceiling.

Suddenly it stops and it's head slowly looks down at me. I freeze as it's blank eyes of a blurry white scorch through mine with pure sorrow. It jumps from the ceiling straight in my direction.

I swing my Quinque but it's many Kagane swing at me from all directions. I manage to skillfully block the in coming blows but it jumps in the air aiming for my legs. I backflip landing out of the way but it scurries over to me with unpredictable speed.

Before I could dodge I am wacked aside. The kakuja pins me down with it's mini centipede arms coming out it's back that stabs through my legs. I grit my teeth at the pain and try to wrestle him off quickly. I curse through my bloody teeth to notice my Quinque was no longer in my grip. I kick the ghoul away and scamper to my feet to look for it.

I suddenly feel the side of my head be tapped slightly I turn quickly to see a female investigator smiling at me. The icy threads of her fading white hair blowing in her wake as she places a cold hand to my head. It was then I realise the familiar face was y/n's. My eye's widen in surprise as she stares at me with empty eyes that once were full of colour. My eyes begin to water to see how mature she looked compared to back then.

" Sensei...I want you to leave this to me...I want to show you all that training paid off.." I realize even her voice has mellowed down and is more relaxed sounding even in a situation like this making me relived. She has changed...

" G-Go ahead just don't get to close in range okay.." I warn as she walks up to the beast with her blood stained weapon.

The being starts to laugh as she raises her weapon to it. I cringe thinking that she get hit or even killed. But she does a flip dodging one of the hits coming at her and then manages to cut  a chunk off the Centipede like Kagane. The creature arches it's back in shock as it takes the sudden slash. She then does a spin twirls and finishes the job by kneeling behind her victim with her weapon over her shoulder.

" Y/N!your Incredible !!!" I shout mentally with a loud gasp of happiness. She doesn't finish off the ghoul but does something else. As the creature still knelt there she walks to it face to face and puts her hands on it's now visible face. I was too surprised to take a closer look. I turn around quickly after hearing the sound of foot steps. I see two lower ranked ghouls standing there supporting one another as their visible wounds are gushing with blood.

" You did this to us!!!" One of them  hiss with it's injured ghoul eyes trying to look threatening, while his colleague just hung his head in pain. I Quickly spit and pick up my fallen weapon. " small fries..." I mutter to myself as I run to them.

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