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"I'll be right back, I need to go get some of your friends." I let go of Seth's hand and go to the waiting room.

"Hey." Brie says, catching the attention of others.

"How is he?" Dean asks.

"He thinks he's fourteen." I say.

"He's 31, that means he lost seventeen years of his memory." Roman says.

"I uh want you and Dean to come help me with Seth." I tell Roman. I lead them to Seth's room and he's inspecting my phone.

"Okay, your lock screen is you and I kissing, but I can't get to the other part." He says.

"Colby." I say. He looks up and notices Dean and Roman.

"Who are they." His eyes widen when he sees Roman's muscles.

"We won't hurt you." Roman says.

"Okay, but who are you."

"He really doesn't remember us." Dean says. I shake my head and walk to Seth.

"This Dean and Roman, your best friends."



"Who the fuck is Seth?" Colby asks.

"You haven't told him?" I shake my head.

"Colby, you're a wrestler and your ring name is Seth Rollins."

"I'm a wrestler?" He says.

"Yeah." I take my phone from Seth and type in his name. "This is one of your matches." I hand him my phone so he can watch. I pull Dean and Roman to the side.

"He's getting discharged today and I'm flying down to Iowa with him." I tell them.

"I was hoping this amnesia thing was a joke." Dean says.

"Me too."

"Who's going to be there when I annoy Roman." He pulls Roman's hair. "See it's not the same." He mumbles.

"You have Jimmy and Jey." I say.

"They're no fun."

"Anyway the doctor should be here any second with the okay to leave, so you can leave now." They nod and walk out. I turn to Seth and sit on the chair next to his bed.

"I'm pretty amazing." Seth says. I smile.

"Yeah, that's why I love you."

"Thanks." He says. "So what's your job?"

"I'm a wrestler too, my ring name is Nikki Bella." I grab my phone and type my name. "This is one of my matches against my twin sister." He stares at my phone as we fight at hell in a cell 2014.

The doctor walks in the middle of the match. "I have the papers and you're free to go, but Seth can't really walk, so he'll be on the wheel chair or crutches."

"Colby, do you want to be on crutches or a wheel chair."

"Crutches." The Doctor goes to get them and Seth finishes the match.

"That's a pretty cool match and love the gear." He says, I laugh. Still the same cocky Seth.

"So where's my mom?" I grab my phone and FaceTime her.

"Nikki hi."

"I have news."

"What's the problem."

"Seth got hit by a car and he has amnesia."

"What? When is he coming to Iowa?"

"We have a flight tonight, so early in the morning tomorrow."

"Can I talk to him?" I nod and hand Seth the phone.

"Woah mom you got old." Seth says astonished. The doctor walks in with his crutches and I go to sign the release papers.

"Okay he's set to leave." I nod and grab all the stuff.

"Colby time to go." I say, he hangs up with his mom and I help him up. I help him stand up and walk with the crutches. I grab my purse and help Seth out. We walk into the waiting room and all the superstars cheer.

"I totally forgot they were here." I say to myself. Seth moves behind me as they all come up. "Yeah, he doesn't remember you guys." I say.

"Is he okay?" Brie says.

"You look like Nikki." Seth says.

"I'm Brie her twin sister." Brie says greeting herself.


"We have a flight to catch, Paige did you bring the rental?" She nods and tosses me the keys.

"Thanks, I'll see you guys when I go to work." I tell them all. Seth goes in front of me and goes to the door. I hug Brie and walk out with him.

I lead Seth to the car and put him in the passenger seat. I close the door and walk to the drivers seat. "Where are we going?" Seth asks, as I put in the coordinates.

"To your house in Iowa."

"Okay, I have my own house?"

"Well yeah, you're 31."

"Do I live with you?"

"Colby we are married."

"Have we had..." He trails off. I laugh knowing what he's going to say.

"We've been married for four years, what do you think."

"We have." I nod and drive off to the airport.

"How did we meet?" He asks.

"You just debuted on the main roster with Dean and Roman, and you came up to everyone introducing yourself." I say. "You kept flirting with me even though I had a boyfriend at the time and we ended up getting together, when I was still with my last boyfriend."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be I'm glad we did that, my last boyfriend was an ass."

"Who was he?"

"John Cena."


"Right you don't know who he is, he's the top star of the WWE."






"This is our house." I say, pulling into the driveway.

"This house is huge." He says. I grab the bags from the back and take them inside. Seth walks into the living room.

"Seth your room is right upstairs." I say.

"Can we go."

"It's your house." I help him up the stairs and he looks at the big room. It was messy because the maid had her week off.

"There's a condom on the ground." He said.

"Sorry about that." I pick it up and throw it away in the bathroom. "Okay you can go to sleep there and just to let you get comfortable, I'll sleep in the guest room."


"How am I going to restore his memory." I say to myself, as I walk out.

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