Meeting Most of the Town

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Sephanie and the kids were playing outside when you came back into town. You walked past them, trying not to attract any attention.
"Look out!" someone shouted, you turned just in time to get hit in the face by a soccer ball.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry" the pink one exclaimed, running over to you. "I haven't seen you in town, are you new?" She asked as you handed her the ball.
"Yeah, I moved in yesterday" you mumbled. "Cool! My name is Stephanie." She pointed over to the other kids who were watching our interaction, "over there is Pixel, Ziggy, Trixie, and Stingy; do you want to play with us?" You winced, recoiling slinking closer to your door, fumbling trying to get the door open. "N-no thanks" you muttered, slipping into your house, shutting the door in her face.
Stephanie frowned and walked over to the other kids.
"Who was that?" Trixie asked, "I don't know, she didn't give her name, it's 7:30 anyways, so we should probably head inside" she said. The kids nodded and headed off to their separate houses calling out good byes to each other.

You sighed, laying down on your bed, putting your hands over your eyes. You hadn't eaten anything today, it had been like this for three years now. You barely ate anything or nothing at all during the day. You knew it was a problem, but you hardly cared. No one cared about you. Sighing for what seemed like the 100th time today, you got up and look out your front window to see if any of the kids were out, seeing none of them, you grabbed a sweater and headed out. You walked around the field eventually sitting on a nearby bench; looking up at the darkening sky you got lost in your thoughts.

You don't know how long you stayed like that, but you were jolted out of your thoughts when someone's hand tapped on your shoulder. You looked up at said person. He was tall and lanky, with perfectly manicured hair and makeup, dressed in a purple striped pantsuit. "Yes?" You asked.
"You're on my bench" he said bluntly, looking at you. "Who are you?"
"I'm Robbie Rotten, lazy town's villan!" He exclaimed "now if you'd move, you're still on my bench" you got up and he sat down. Sitting down on the ground next to him you looked up at the sky. " What are you still doing here?" He asked.
"Looking at the sky" you replied without looking at him. He huffed laying down on the bench. You and him stayed like that until both of you fell asleep outside.

Lame ending, I know. I couldn't think of anything else.

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